Time to end gender separation in our primary school

08 March 2019

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said that it is is time to end gender separation in our primary schools.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said: 

“The fact that so many of our primary schools are still separated by gender, sends the wrong message to children at a young age about gender equality.

“Currently, 17% of our primary school children attend single gender schools – high by European standards. 

“It has been Deptartment of Education policy since 1998 not to sanction any new single gender schools but no attempt made to positivity integrate many of the single-sex schools in our State.

“Parents at local level are actively questioning the status quo.

“It is time for a Government circular outlining steps that can be made by Board of Management who wish to integrate with a neighbouring school.

“I’m calling for all primary schools to be integrated by 2025.”

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