Pay Promise meaningless unless timelines produced

23 April 2019

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said unless timescales are published as to when the two-tier pay structure in the public service will end, the Government are just leading teachers and other public servants down the garden path.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“While a commitment to ending pay inequality in the teaching profession is welcome, unless timelines are produced, it is nothing more than another meaningless sound bite from Fine Gael.

“On one hand you have the Minister for Education telling teachers what they want to hear, that the days of pay inequality are coming to an end yet on the other hand the Minister for Public Expenditure wrote in a national newspaper that the wage increases that public servants want are of “grave concern.”

“Ending pay inequality will keep young teachers at home here in Ireland, rather than have them leave our shores in droves in the pursuit of better pay and conditions.

“Soothing words from Fine Gael that pay inequality might be ended at some point does nothing to give young teachers hope and confidence in the system and will not encourage them to stay here.

“Time and time again, I have called for the government to produce a roadmap to pay quality but knowing how inept are when it comes to dealing with Fine Gael public sector unions it may be a while before we see any movement on this.

“If the government were serious about addressing the teacher shortage in our schools and they could direct universities to lower the cost of the two year teaching Masters which on average costs over €10,000 in fees alone.

“Unless Minister McHugh and his Government colleague produce a roadmap with dates to ending pay inequality in the teaching sector, Minister McHugh’s commitment to teachers will be nothing more than nice words to get him through the education sector conferences.”

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