Cadbury job losses a major blow to community

10 May 2019

Labour Senator, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on the Government, Minister for Social Welfare, to immediately begin work with Unions and its members to protect vulnerable Cadbury workers facing redundancy. 

Senator Ó Ríordáin said: 

“The news of 70 job losses is a huge blow to the community in Coolock. Given the amount of restructuring and changes in work practises which workers at the company have already made in recent years, to now be facing 70 job losses is an incredibly tough blow. 

“These workers, through their Unions, have participated in good faith in those restructures. Cadburys’ has been an iconic brand supporting quality Irish jobs and the impact of these job losses will badly affect our local community. 

“Government, specifically the Minister for Social Protection, must act immediately to work with SIPTU and UNITE to assess workers needs and provide information to them on their welfare entitlements following the conclusion of any redundancy programme.  

“These workers will also need to be assisted with potential re-employment. Minister Doherty should direct local Citizen’s Information, Partnership Agencies and Local Enterprise offices to coordinate with the worker’s and their union reps and assist them going forward from this process.”  

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