Trump’s politics are not welcome in Ireland

06 June 2019

Labour Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on all progressives to join the protest against President Trump tonight in Dublin. Protesters are gathering at the Garden of Remembrance at 6 pm.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“Tonight’s demonstration, supported by trade unions, students, community activists and several political groups, is our opportunity to send the President a clear message; you are not welcome in Ireland and neither are your politics.

“I know I am not the only one who has found the rolling out of the red carpet for Trump, and his family, frustrating and disappointing.

“We know why Trump is visiting Ireland. He is here to exploit the visit to appeal to Irish American voters in the 2020 Presidential election. We should not be facilitating his visit and providing highly managed PR opportunities.

“His politics are not welcome in Ireland. His racism, his sexism, his climate change denial, his entire political offering, stands opposed to the inclusive values of so many of us here in Ireland.

“I hope to see a large turnout at tonight’s demonstration. Those of us who oppose Trump need to come together and show him that Ireland will not be used as a tool to improve his image with Irish American voters.”

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