Gas and electricity companies should be mindful of peoples’ ability to pay

18 March 2020

Labour Louth TD Ged Nash has called on utility companies to pass on drops in gas and oil prices to domestic customers in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic and to reduce charges where possible.

Deputy Nash said:

“With many people now working from home and many more sadly being laid off for the time being due to business closures, it is inevitable that gas and electricity bills will go through the roof.

 “Families with children now at home every day will see a massive surge in their utility use.

“It will become more and more difficult for people, and especially those whose incomes have been impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic, to afford these spiralling costs.

“We’ve recently seen a drop in gas and oil prices and the least people should expect is that these decreases should be passed onto customers.

“I would also call on gas and electricity companies to cut charges wherever possible and to be mindful that many people will be on limited or no income other than social welfare, for the time being.

“The Government, working with the energy companies should provide assurances that for the duration of this crisis, nobody will have to live with the fear of being cut off because they fall behind in payments.

“The public is being asked to play their part in flattening the curve in this crisis and so too should big business.”


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