Model for predicted grade system needs to be published
Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Government to publish the model for the predicted grade system being used to grade this year’s Leaving Cert results.
Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:
“Leaving Cert results are due to be issued in two weeks’ time and there is still uncertainty and ambiguity around the predicted grading system. Speaking on Today with Claire Byrne, the Taoiseach Michéal Martin essentially confirmed the existence of school profiling by saying that if results were awarded based on the result issued by the school then the likelihood is that you would have very significant grade inflation over previous years.
“This statement by the Taoiseach confirms what I have been saying for months that school profiling is inherent in the predicted grading system. It is also very concerning that the Taoiseach could not explain how the Government will avoid the same mess that occurred all over the UK where thousands of students had their results downgraded due to school profiling.
“The former Minister for Education Joe McHugh said he had been repeatedly assured by department officials that school profiling would not occur. However, the Taoiseach stated on radio this morning that demographic and socioeconomic characteristics were inherent in the original design for the grading model.
“The Government need to publish the model for the predicted grade system immediately. It is not acceptable with less than two weeks until results are issued that students and their parents do not know how the results will be calculated.
“They have witnessed the chaos elsewhere and are rightly concerned that the same thing will happen here. We need clarity from Government as to how they are going to avoid the same problems that occurred in the UK. It is simply not good enough for the Taoiseach to state that no final decision has been made, they need to publish the predicted grading model now.