HSA must launch investigation into tragic death of Thiago Cortes
The Labour Party’s spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Marie Sherlock, has called on the Health & Safety Authority (HSA) to launch an investigation following the death while working of Thiago Cortes, a Deliveroo cyclist who was killed in a hit-and-run incident in Dublin city centre on Monday evening.
Senator Sherlock said:
“The tragic death of Thiago Cortes has provoked a huge amount of grief and sadness, and I want to extend my deepest sympathy and solidarity to his fiancé, family, friends and colleagues.
“As a workplace incident, it is imperative that the Health & Safety Authority now launch a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death, in parallel to the ongoing criminal investigation. I wrote to the HSA Chief Executive Dr Sharon McGuiness today urging her to launch such an investigation.
“As a delivery cyclist, there was a level of risk that Mr. Cortes faced in the course of his work every day. It is vital that we know whether Deliveroo gave him the necessary training and provided him with the proper equipment to safeguard his life, his health and his safety while at work. It is my sincere hope that Deliveroo engages proactively with the HSA and An Garda Síochána, in order that a thorough investigation be carried out, and lessons be learned that prevent such a terrible incident from ever being repeated”.
Senator Sherlock continued:
“Mr. Cortes’ death has highlighted major questions around how the health and safety of workers in companies like Deliveroo are safeguarded. These questions must be answered in the interests of the safety of Mr. Cortes’ colleagues, and delivery workers around the country. In this regard, I believe a full investigation is a necessary first step.”.