Light at the end of the tunnel for the aviation industry as Transport Minister finally commits to establishing a testing regime
Labour Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith has welcomed a definitive commitment from Transport Minister Eamon Ryan to actively explore the creation of a testing regime at airports as part of a framework for travel from Red region countries.
Deputy Smith said:
“Minister Eamon Ryan confirmed that the Government are prioritising a framework for international travel and within in that are looking at a testing regime for international arrivals. This is a welcome chink of light at the end of the tunnel for aviation. I have repeatedly raised this issue as Labour Transport Spokesperson and as a T.D representing an airport constituency. Though a lot of questions remain unanswered.
“The Minister needs to clarify exactly what he intends to introduce, the Dublin Airport Authority have said that they have the capacity to put in place a system of airport testing immediately but they need to know what the arrangements for individual airports will be, what type of testing will be introduced and more work needs to be done to determine the efficacy of antigen testing.
“We need real and continued engagement with airlines and the aviation sector to ensure that the industry is moving forward together in conjunction with the Government’s multiframework approach.
“This is the first real commitment from Minister Ryan in relation to airport testing and I am glad he has belatedly listened to my calls. However, what is now needed is a period of sustained intense engagement with the airline industry to ensure that this can be rolled out as soon as possible and ensuring aviation can return in as safe as manner as possible”.