Fall in Ireland’s home ownership rate means stronger protections are needed for renters
- REITs who are buying up large volumes of new developments are putting home ownership out of reach of ordinary people
- Failure on social housing and affordable rental is exasperating the problem
- Need European style protections for renters
The Fall in Ireland’s home ownership rate to 69% and the revelation that Ireland now has the highest housing costs in Europe means that stronger protections are needed for renters according to Labour Housing Spokesperson, Rebecca Moynihan.
Senator Moynihan said:
“This is a worrying trend and a result of the housing policy of the current and previous Government. New buyers are now chasing a small number of new builds and ordinary people are in competition with REITs who are buying up large volumes of new developments turbo charging prices. This is putting home ownership beyond the reach of ordinary working people. The failure to speed up delivery of an adequate supply of social housing, introduce an affordable rent model is also exasperating the situation.”
“Given that the number of people renting is now near European averages, we should have the same protections for renters as other countries with similar levels of renting. The Government must bring in stronger rent controls and long-term leases for renters and stop unfair evictions and set up an NCT-style inspection for rental properties, as Fianna Fáil wanted in opposition to ensure that rogue landlords aren’t going unchecked.
“Given the amount of people now renting in this country, we need to create a space where there is affordable rental with security of tenure, long leases and protections.