Horgan calls on Government to back pay rise for section 39 Workers
On Wednesday 12th October the Labour Party will bring a motion to the Dáil calling for the government to act to improve the pay and conditions of workers in the community and voluntary sector.
These workers care for our most vulnerable and help keep our communities going. Over the last year I, along with my Labour colleagues have pledged our solidarity to workers who have had to strike for better pay, conditions and respect but the Ministers aren’t listening to them. That’s why we’re bringing forward our motion – to ensure they are heard.
We’re in the middle of the worst cost of living crisis in memory, and these workers are fighting for pay parity. The last thing they want is having to picket, but they are being left with no choice. These workers are being paid much less than equivalent staff in the HSE and other State bodies. They deserve pay parity. Equal pay for an equal day’s work.
It’s long past time that community care workers’ pay scales were aligned on an equitable basis with staff in the HSE and other voluntary agencies doing the same job.