Labour expresses solidarity with Argos workers

19 January 2023
  • Workers must receive best possible redundancy package

Labour employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock has expressed solidarity with Argos workers who have received new that its Irish outlets will close.

We understand that the closures will be staggered across May and June starting with Portlaoise, St Stephen’s Green and Galway with the remainder to close by June 24th/25th.

Senator Sherlock said everyone must now come to the table to ensure the best possible redundancy package is reached for these workers, as well as ensuring supports are in place.

Senator Sherlock said:

“The announcement by Argos this morning will be deeply disappointing for its many loyal workers throughout the country and our thoughts are with them and their families. It is a hammer blow to the retail sector and a very sad loss of good unionised jobs.

“Labour supports Mandate’s call to ensure that these workers are properly protected, receive full redundancy and all other associated entitlements.

“The immediate focus should be to support the employees who are going to lose their jobs. Each job lost today impacts not only the individual person but their dependents and their community. These workers will need to be assisted with potential re-employment, and I am calling on Minister Coveney and Minister Humphrey’s to direct local Citizens’ Information and Local Enterprise offices to coordinate with the workers and their union reps to assist them going forward from this process.”

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