Education Minister must clarify ICT grant

08 June 2023

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has expressed his concern at Government’s failure to provide ICT grants to schools since 2021.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“There seems to be no joined up thinking in the Department of Education. Rather than taking a proactive, collaborative approach with schools, the Minister lurches from crisis to crisis.

“As the INTO has pointed out today, there has been no funding issued to schools since 2021 for ICT grants. School communities need certainty and clarity, particularly given the increasing importance of digital technologies and communication methods for learning.

“The Department is prioritising digital education through the implementation of the Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027, but the lack of focus on delivering the equipment and funding needed for schools goes to show just how much of a focus this is for the Department.

“Minister Foley must provide clarity on this to school communities nationwide as soon as possible. The lack of joined up thinking in the Department is beyond a joke at this stage.”

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