Minister must intervene to protect communities and firefighters

Seán Sherlock TD
15 June 2023

Labour Cork East TD Seán Sherlock has urged swift Government action following an anticipated mass resignation of retained firefighters.

Deputy Sherlock said:

“SIPTU, the trade union representing retained firefighters, have issued a very stark warning to Government about potential mass resignations of firefighters due to the failure of Minister O’Brien to come forward with constructive proposals on terms, conditions and pay.

“The failure of the Minister to address concerns around pay, terms, conditions, recruitment and retention this week is simply shocking.

“There is now a serious public safety issue at the heart of Government intransigence on firefighter pay. The time for burying their head in the sands in now over.

“The arrogance of the Minister in his failure to meaningfully engage with workers and their unions will leave communities vulnerable and the recruitment and retention issues in the service will only perpetuate.

“How could Government expect anyone to stay on, never mind join, the retained firefighters service when they see the utter contempt shown to them by Government?

“Successive Ministers have let this issue simmer without taking any meaningful action to address the concerns at the heart of the dispute. Communities will pay a high price for Government failure to grasp the nettle for our retained firefighters service.”

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