Labour launches Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme

Ivana Bacik TD
14 September 2023
  • Labour launches Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme to support Labour women running for election

Ivana Bacik TD, Labour Party Leader, has today launched the Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme, a new initiative developed by Labour Women, the women’s section within Labour, to support new women candidates running for election.

The programme is named after Niamh Bhreathnach, the former Labour Minister for Education who was a trailblazing figure in Irish politics.

The Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme will provide new women candidates within Labour with guidance and support on all aspects of running for election, from campaign strategy to media training. Mentors will be experienced Labour public representatives who can offer practical advice and insights to new women candidates.

Deputy Bacik said:

“I am delighted to launch the Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme at our Think In in Maynooth, along with Hannah Deasy, Chairperson of Labour Women. Niamh was a great friend and mentor, as well as being an inspiration to me and to many other women in politics. This programme is a fitting tribute to her legacy and will help to ensure that more women within Labour have the support they need to succeed in politics.

“Niamh’s legacy includes the abolition of third-level undergraduate tuition fees and significant increases in education spending, the introduction of the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme, and making the Transition Year programme available to all second-level schools.

“We in Labour have always been committed to ensuring that there are more women in politics, and the Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme is just one of a number of initiatives that the party is taking to achieve this goal. This programme will focus on the specific challenges that women face in running for election. We are committed to creating a more equal and just society, and we know that women’s voices are essential to achieving this goal.”

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