Labour calls out Government for failing to reduce class sizes in Budget 2024

10 October 2023

Labour spokesperson on Education Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD has slammed the Government for failing to reduce class sizes in Budget 2024.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin says:

“It is deeply disappointing that Government has failed to reduce class sizes in Budget 2024. This is a missed opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of our children.

For several years I have sought a plan from Government to reduce the pupil teacher ratio. The ratio in Irish classrooms is too high, with an average size of 25 pupils to 1 teacher in 2019, and INTO figures show that 1 in 5 pupils are in classes of 30 children or more. That is simply unacceptable.

“Large class sizes have a negative impact on learning outcomes. They make it difficult for teachers to give individual attention to each student. We know that Ireland has some of the largest class sizes in Europe. We also have some of the lowest capital education funding in the OECD. This is unacceptable.

“In Labour’s alternative budget, we made a fully costed proposal to reduce class sizes at both primary and secondary level. We would also increase capitation by 20%.”

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