Garda recruitment age latest distraction

15 January 2024

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said if the Justice Minister spent more time tackling issues within An Garda Síochána rather than issuing press releases, we would not be faced with a dwindling force.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“There has been a consistent and persistent drop in Garda numbers under Fine Gael’s watch and its solution of raising the age for entering the force is just bizarre. The people of Ireland have been left without adequate policing and everyone can see this pathetic PR attempt for what it is.

“We will be monitoring the impact this measure has on enticing more people into the force, but we are not hopeful.

“While we await figures for the year end of 2023, by November 164 members had resigned from the force. That compares with only 70 three years ago. Tackling the issues of pay and conditions that are leading to this mass exodus would be a much better use of the Minister’s time.

“There has been a range of well documented industrial relations issues, including threats of industrial action, and an utter inability to fill senior roles which Fine Gael have accepted as a fait accompli.

“Fine Gael have acted as bystanders when it comes to justice for too long. After 12 years in control of the brief, the buck should stop with the Taoiseach and his cabinet colleagues.”

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