Momentous night for Bohemians Football club and for the Phibsborough Community as Dalymount redevelopment approved

12 February 2024

Local Labour Party Senator Marie Sherlock warmly congratulated Bohemians Football club on the approval by Dublin City Councillors this evening of  the redevelopment plans for their Stadium.

This project has endured many twists and turns and it is to the credit of Dublin City Council Chief Executive Richard Shakespeare and his staff led by Don Daly who have committed city council funding to support what will be the jewel in the crown for the northside.

Senator Sherlock said:

“This project is also a big win for the Phibsborough area as the redevelopment will also involve the construction of 585 sq. m of community facilities.

“This will be vital resource for the vibrant and very diverse local community which currently has no community hall in the area. The project will also involve new safe pedestrian and cycling routes around the stadium connecting the roads around the stadium.

“For many involved in the nine year campaign to save the historic Dalymount stadium, this is a momentous night as this planning approval comes after many disappointments.

“All eyes are now on Government to stump their share of the funding to ensure the project can proceed without delay and to have the project completed for the start of the 2027 football season.

“To date, the Government have provided just short of €1m and it is over to them to fill in the final piece of the jigsaw in ensuring that Dalymount Statdium can be redeveloped without delay.”

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