Government utterly failing to solve the housing disaster

Senator Annie Hoey image
23 February 2024

Labour’s Senator Annie Hoey condemns the government’s inaction following the publication of the latest housing figures for January 2024, which lay bare the harsh impact of the ongoing housing crisis. 

Senator Hoey said, 

“The scale of the housing crisis is touching almost every person in this country. A staggering 13,351 people accessing emergency accommodation, over 4,000 of whom are children. Working families who cannot now afford to buy a home of their own; renters who are crippled by high rents; those waiting for years on Council housing lists – all need hope that their housing needs will be met.

“Ideology continues to impede progress toward housing security for all citizens. The government’s laissez-faire approach places too much faith in market forces, while neglecting its responsibility to intervene effectively. Despite assurances from the Construction Industry Federation that they possess the capacity to build 60,000 homes, the Government remains inert, failing to capitalise on this opportunity to address the crisis head-on. If the Construction Industry Federation have said they have capacity to build 60,000 homes per year – why aren’t we then?

“The government’s persistent failure to act not only perpetuates suffering but erodes the very fabric of our communities. Urgent intervention is essential to prevent further deterioration of the situation and to restore hope for those who have been left behind by failed policies.

“The distressing increase in homeless children demands immediate attention. We cannot stand by idly as more and more families are plunged into the depths of despair due to inadequate housing policies.

“We need a renewed sense of urgency and commitment to ensure every individual, especially our vulnerable children, has a place to call home. The government must prioritise the well-being and security of its citizens over ideological dogma. It’s time to act decisively to address the root causes of the housing crisis and to build a future where everyone has a roof over their head and a place to call home.”

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