Minister McEntee failing to provide for victims of domestic violence

23 February 2024
  • Cuan aims to double spaces but is insufficient.
  • Ireland falls below European refuge standards.

Labour’s justice Spokesperson, Aodháin Ó Ríordáin TD, has called out the Minister for Justice, for failing to provide the number of domestic violence refuges available for Ireland.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said

“While we welcome the establishment of Cuan, the Government’s zero-tolerance strategy for domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence, which aims to double refuge spaces in the next two years, the current provision remains grossly inadequate.

“With only 141 spaces available according to Tusla, Ireland is failing victims of domestic violence. Under the Istanbul Convention and recent census data clearly indicate the need for at least 500 refuge spaces to adequately support survivors. Minister McEntee must meet these standards. We have failed victims of domestic violence who – in wealthy prosperous Ireland in 2024 – still have nowhere to go.

“The Government’s plan under Cuan falls short of addressing the urgent need for refuge spaces. Victims of domestic violence deserve better than inadequate measures that leave them vulnerable and unprotected. It’s time for Minister McEntee to step up and prioritise the safety and well-being of those affected by domestic abuse.

“We in Labour call for immediate action to increase the number of domestic violence refuge spaces across Ireland. We have long campaigned for more refuge spaces to be opened in each county to help victims and survivors of domestic abuse, enabling them to stay in their communities with the support of friends and family. Minister McEntee must act now to ensure that no one is left without a safe haven in times of crisis.”

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