McEntee fails to address Garda recruitment crisis

25 February 2024

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said the Justice Minister is failing to adequately resource and future plan for An Garda Síochána.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“There are unprecedented numbers resigning from An Garda Síochána, the Minister is failing to attract new recruits to Templemore and now we learn that 6,417 Gardaí are set to retire by 2028.

“There has been a consistent and persistent drop in Garda numbers under Fine Gael’s watch. The people of Ireland have been left without adequate policing.

“Instead of workforce planning and working to resolve morale issues, this Minister continues to govern by press release. Fine Gael continue to ram legislation through the Dáil without proper debate, and it’s not an answer to the deep crisis we are facing in our police force.

“There has been a range of well documented industrial relations issues, including threats of industrial action, and an utter inability to fill senior roles which Fine Gael have accepted as a fait accompli.

“It’s no way to do business. The Minister needs to act and act fast.

“Fine Gael have acted as bystanders when it comes to justice for too long. After 12 years in control of the brief, the buck should stop with the Taoiseach and his cabinet colleagues.”

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