Labour welcomes State Recognition of Palestine

22 May 2024
  • Recognition of Palestinian State: Long Overdue

Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Brendan Howlin TD today welcomed the Government’s historic recognition of the Palestinian State, a move that Labour has been advocating for years. The announcement comes at a critical juncture, amid escalating violence and humanitarian crises in Gaza and the West Bank, with widespread support from the Irish public condemning the destruction of human life.

Deputy Howlin said,

“Labour has long called for the recognition of the Palestinian State as a necessary step towards peace and justice. The Government’s decision is a vital acknowledgement of the Palestinian right to self-determination and a crucial step towards a two-state solution.

“The Irish people have looked on in horror at the tragic loss of life and suffering in Gaza. This recognition must be more than symbolic. It is imperative that the Government now uses its influence to amplify this clear and strong Irish voice on the international stage, pushing tirelessly for a ceasefire and a just resolution to the conflict.

“We urge the Government to engage with other like-minded EU countries to follow suit in recognising Palestine. We have all been deeply affected by the ongoing violence and destruction in Gaza. The images of destruction and the stories of loss have left an indelible mark on our national consciousness. This moment calls for decisive action and solidarity.

“State recognition must be matched with concrete actions. The Government must now take the lead in international diplomatic efforts, ensuring that recognition translates into meaningful progress towards peace and stability in the region. Just like every Israeli child, every Palestinian child deserves peace and safety.”


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