Sinn Féin MP needs to stop hedging bets and declare for Brussels or Westminster

23 May 2024
  • Does Michelle Gildernew plan to be an MP or an MEP? 

“Michelle Gildernew MP needs to decide today if she is running for Westminster or Brussels”, according to the Labour Party’s European Parliament election candidate, Fergal Landy.

He said:

“Now that the British General Election has been called, Sinn Fein cannot be allowed to hedge their bets.

“With 15 days to polling, SF and Michelle Gildernew need to be straight with the people of Midlands North West.

“They can’t duck, dive and deflect. The clock is ticking and those who SF are asking to vote for the Fermanagh-South Tyrone MP have a right to know what her plans are, and they have right to be told today.

“Does Michelle Gildernew plan to be an MP or an MEP? It’s a simple question that demands a simple and straightforward answer.”

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