Full scale Israeli boycott needed

27 May 2024

Labour Dublin candidate Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called for an immediate cessation of trade with Israel in the wake of its callous and deadly attack in Rafah.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“It’s time to go beyond the Occupied Territories Bill and demand a global boycott of Israel.

“Israel’s actions have been abundantly clear. They will never change unless there is international pressure on Israel, like what was done to South Africa in the 80s.

“The time has come to totally isolate Israel. South Africa were isolated politically, in sport, artistically, economically and, eventually, apartheid was overturned.

“Last week, we stood proud as a nation as we recognised Palestinian statehood. But we need to see more than mere symbolism.

“In 2023, Ireland imported €3.6 billion worth of Israeli goods. Shockingly, in the first two months of this year alone, €608 million worth of Israeli goods entered the State. These numbers make Ireland one of the top ten importers of Israeli goods.

“This economic relationship means we are indirectly funding the very actions we find abhorrent: the incursion into Rafah, the destruction of aid at the border, and the killing of children by the Israeli Defence Forces.

“Words will not stop the bombing and bloodshed. Israel will not stop what they’re doing until they are isolated on every single level. The Taoiseach must act now.”

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