Labour calls for carbon and fiscal Budgets to be published together

Senator Annie Hoey image
28 May 2024
  • EPA prediction must sound alarm bells

Labour’s Senator Annie Hoey today highlighted a pressing concern for Ireland’s environmental future, following the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) prediction that Ireland is set to miss its national and EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets. According to the EPA, Ireland is projected to reduce its total GHG emissions by only 29 per cent by 2030, far short of the legally-binding target of 51 per cent. This critical issue demands immediate and comprehensive action from the Government.

Senator Hoey said

“The evidence from science is unequivocal—our current trajectory is unsustainable, and the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly severe. While I acknowledge the steps this Government has taken to address the climate crisis, it is clear that we need greater ambition and leadership on the key climate challenges that confront us all.

“Government’s efforts to date, though notable, are insufficient. We have seen investments in renewable energy, enhancements in public transportation, and initiatives to improve energy efficiency. However, these measures fall short of what is required to meet our ambitious climate targets. We must accelerate our actions and broaden our scope to ensure a sustainable future for Ireland.

“I reiterate Labour’s call on Government to incorporate our carbon budgets into the annual fiscal budget. Climate budgets are as crucial as our annual financial budgets. This is not just a task for the Department of the Environment; the Department of Finance and Public Expenditure must also play a pivotal role in delivering a cohesive, whole-of-government approach. Tax and spending policy must align with our climate goals to drive meaningful progress.

“Furthermore, we need to envision a future where Ireland leads in climate action. This means not only meeting but exceeding our targets, positioning ourselves as a global example of how a small nation can make a significant impact. The urgency of the climate crisis cannot be overstated, and the time for incremental change has passed. We need bold, transformative policies that will secure the wellbeing of our planet and future generations.

“We need to see the real level of ambition the Government has for our planet and our economy. It is time for Government to demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future by embedding climate action at the heart of fiscal policy.”


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