University of Galway must urgently review any links with Israeli institutions

04 June 2024

Labour’s Midlands North-West Candidate Fergal Landy has repeated his call on University of Galway to urgently review any links with Israeli institutions and states that Galway needs an MEP that will refuse to support Ursula Von Der Leyen.

Landy said Galway needs an MEP, and repeated his call on the University of Galway to ensure a thorough and speedy review of its links with Israeli academic institutions in the face of an ongoing war in Gaza that has seen thousands of civilians killed and injured, as well as deliberate attacks on hospitals, food supplies, schools and universities.

Landy said:

“Galway needs an MEP that will refuse to support Ursula Von Der Leyen.

“The Labour Party believe she is not fit for the role. Last October she went way beyond her brief, by disgracefully giving unconditional EU support to Israel without the consent of member states. We are supporting the Party of European Socialists candidate Nicolas Schmit.

“I have been heartened to see the University issue statements concerning October 7th and the situation in Palestine, and for numerous Palestinian speakers having been hosted in recent months to discuss the extent of Israel’s egregious assault on Gaza. My fellow graduate Shawan Jabarin was rightfully honoured with an Alumni Award last month.

“That being said, while the University has committed to reviewing its links with Israeli institutions and established a working group for this purpose, I have concerns that this process is insufficiently transparent and even worse, possibly even a stalling tactic.”

“The University of Galway should commit to severing ties with Israeli academic institutions – as has been called for by Palestinians University – all of which have been completely destroyed in Gaza – and then take the necessary time to implement that commitment.”

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