Irish MEPs must demand Housing Commissioner – Ó Ríordáin

14 June 2024

Labour MEP elect for Dublin Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has urged all Irish MEPs to back the call for a Housing Commissioner.

Ó Ríordáin said:

“Housing is the greatest civil rights issue of our time and European institutions must take decisive action in tackling this escalating crisis.

“Ireland needs to be on the front foot with a united voice and call on our fellow MEPs to back a Housing Commissioner.

“The S&D Group have campaigned hard for the regulation of the European Housing Market, but we need more, we need a more ambitious agenda to prioritise housing and address the systemic issues across the EU that contributes to the crisis.

“I campaigned to make Dublin the best place to live, work and raise a family. I want to take that pledge to Europe and push for a re-imagined Europe, a Europe that cares about protecting fundamental rights like housing.

“One of my key priorities as MEP for Dublin will be delivering a European Plan for Affordable Housing. To do that, we will need someone to spearhead the investment in and delivery of homes. A Housing Commissioner is the answer. I urge all Irish MEPs-elect to join my call to tackle this Government’s failings in housing once and for all.”

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