Government fails take charge on National Children’s Hospital Delays

24 September 2024

Labour’s Alan Kelly TD has today criticised the Government for their failure to manage the National Children’s Hospital project, calling out repeated delays and a total lack of accountability from those in charge. Despite having spent millions of euros, not a single child has been treated at the hospital, and we are now looking at a projected opening in 2026 – a staggering 17 delays later.

Deputy Kelly said:
“It is unacceptable that after all this time, all this money, and all the political promises, we still have no functioning National Children’s Hospital. I have been raising this issue consistently since 2018, yet we are still in the same position – no progress and no answers. This is one of the largest capital projects ever undertaken by the State, and the absence of proper oversight has been a disgrace.

“Today in the Dáil I raised the question to the Minister of Public Expenditure: why is the standing independent arbitrator finding in favour of BAM when it comes to large disputes? €108m being one of the latest. Has the Government asked the Board this and also has the Board ever tried to remove the standing independent arbitrator? No adequate answers were provided.

“In 2019 then Taoiseach Leo Varadkar dismissed my prediction. It was scoffed that this would cost in excess of €2 million now look where we are.

“Where is the political leadership from Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly or Simon Harris before him? How can two Ministers who have been directly responsible for this project preside over 17 delays with no accountability? The Government’s role is to take charge, ensure that projects are delivered on time, and above all, make sure public funds are spent efficiently. The delays are unacceptable and deeply frustrating for the public, especially for families waiting on vital healthcare facilities.

“There needs to be a culture change when it comes to capital projects like this one. We cannot continue with this obsession over PR spin while checks and balances are being ignored. Too often, those at the centre of decision-making are more focused on managing headlines than managing projects. We need to put robust structures in place to ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget. The situation we are facing with the National Children’s Hospital is an omnishambles, and it is entirely avoidable if the right governance is in place.

“Health projects should never be allowed to drag on like this. We are talking about a project that should have been completed years ago and already providing essential services to children. The people of Ireland deserve better than a Government that lets projects fall by the wayside without consequence. The National Children’s Hospital should be a beacon of world-class healthcare, but instead, it’s become a symbol of incompetence and delay. This situation cannot be allowed to happen again.

“The Government must take responsibility for this failure. There needs to be a full review of how we handle major capital projects and a commitment to better governance. The lessons from the National Children’s Hospital must be learned, or we risk repeating the same mistakes. It’s time for the Government to take charge, ensure accountability, and deliver the services that the people of Ireland need and deserve.”

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