Labour calls for urgent measures to ease the cost of living for families

Senator Mark Wall
27 September 2024
  • Tax relief on sports club and gym fees to boost health and well-being

Labour’s Spokesperson on Sport, Senator Mark Wall, has called for decisive action on the cost of living crisis as part of Labour’s Alternative Budget. One of the key measures proposed is the introduction of tax relief on sports club and gym fees at the standard rate, giving back 20% of the costs to individuals and families across Ireland. This initiative is aimed at making fitness and sports more accessible, while tackling both financial strain and improving public health.

Senator Wall said:

“In Labour’s Alternative Budget, we are committed to proposing realistic and tangible measures to help workers and families manage the cost of living. That’s why we are proposing the introduction of tax relief on sports club and gym fees at the standard rate, giving people 20% back on their costs. This is not just about financial relief—it’s about making it easier for individuals and families to engage in physical activities that benefit their health and well-being.

“We know that sports and exercise have a huge positive impact on both our physical and mental health. The long-term benefits of a healthier population are undeniable. A fitter, more active society not only eases the burden on our healthcare system, but it also leads to better quality of life, more resilient communities, and greater well-being for all. This tax relief is an investment in the health of the nation, and we believe it is a step in the right direction to make sports and fitness more accessible to everyone.

“It is essential that gyms, sports clubs, and fitness classes are not viewed as a luxury only for those who can afford them. This tax relief will help to break down those barriers, allowing more people to engage in physical activity, which we know is critical for both mental health and physical well-being. It is estimated that this initiative would cost approximately €80 million, but the returns in terms of public health and reduced pressure on our healthcare system will far outweigh that investment.

“Every year we welcome the Sports Capital Grant, which is a vital source of funding for clubs across the country. While this is a really useful way for clubs to improve and expand their amenities for the benefit of local communities, more needs to be done. Sport is the lifeblood of our communities, supporting both participants and spectators. It plays a critically important role in improving the mental health and physical well-being of everyone involved. That’s why we’re calling for increased urgency and ambition in supporting access to fitness facilities nationwide.

“The success of Irish athletes on the international stage, particularly at the Olympics, shows the reward of investing in sport. Labour has long advocated for increased funding for the international carding system and our national governing bodies. With the right support, we can continue to nurture Ireland’s sporting talent and further enhance the role of sport in our communities.

“It is crucial that we make sports clubs, gyms, and fitness classes more accessible for everyone—not just a luxury for those who can afford it. Labour’s proposal for tax relief on gym fees is a practical solution to help ease the financial burden on families, while also encouraging greater participation in fitness activities. Now is the time to take bold, progressive action to make health and fitness available to all, ensuring a healthier, stronger society.”

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