We need to close the gaps in Ireland’s abortion services

Senator Annie Hoey image
28 September 2024
  • March for Choice 2024: 12:30 on September 28th at Dáil

Labour’s Senator Annie Hoey has called for renewed urgency in reforming Ireland’s abortion laws ahead of the March for Choice, taking place on Saturday, September 28th at 12:30 pm outside the Dáil.

Senator Hoey said:

“This year’s march comes at a critical time, as the General Election looms and the country continues to see glaring issues in our abortion services. Significant barriers remain for women seeking free, safe, and legal abortion.

“The implementation of safe access zones is a welcome step, but it’s only one part of the puzzle. We are six years on from the repeal of the 8th Amendment, yet women are still forced to travel for healthcare, many due to the restrictive nature of the 12-week rule. It’s especially challenging for women facing complex medical situations. This is not what people voted for in 2018. The Government must stop burying their heads in the sand and address the system’s failings.

“It’s shocking that in 2021, over 200 women and girls travelled to Britain for abortions, an increase from 2020. It’s clear that the 12-week rule, coupled with the three-day wait period, is leaving many with no option but to seek care abroad. Research also shows the severe lack of GPs providing abortion services, particularly in rural areas. We have counties where less than ten GPs offer these services and some counties with none at all. This leads to women and girls making two lonely trips to the nearest city. It’s an unacceptable burden during an already vulnerable time.

“The three-day wait period serves no purpose. No woman or girl seeks an abortion without giving it careful thought. Removing this waiting period would not only ease the pressure on women but also reduce the workload for GPs who want to provide care. It’s time for the Government to trust the experts and implement the recommendations from Marie O’Shea’s review of Ireland’s abortion laws.

“No other patient is forced to wait for the healthcare they need. The people of Ireland voted for compassion in a crisis. Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, and the Greens cannot row back on their promises to the women of this country. I urge everyone to join us at the March for Choice and demand the changes we need.”

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