Scale of gambling addiction demands change

Senator Mark Wall
08 October 2024
  • Gambling epidemic in every community

Labour’s Senator Mark Wall has called for immediate action following the passage of the Gambling Bill through the Seanad today, stressing the urgency of addressing gambling addiction that plagues communities across Ireland.

Senator Wall said:

“The scale of gambling addiction demands urgent and decisive action. Problem gambling has seeped into every corner of society, we know that 20% of those admitted to the Rutland Centre’s outpatient services are tackling this issue. This is not an isolated problem but a national epidemic.

“We know that gambling addiction touches all communities, and we cannot underestimate its impact on individuals and families. It is a silent but destructive affliction, and the scale is clear for all to see.

“The gambling industry has intentionally cultivated a deep association between major sports events and betting. When we watch a match, we’re inundated with ads reminding us to download gambling apps or to ‘put a few bob on the score.’ This constant bombardment creates a normalised link between sport and gambling in the minds of viewers, which is particularly harmful.

“We must acknowledge that the Government is finally following Labour’s lead. In 2021, we introduced the Gambling (Prohibition of Advertising) Bill, which aimed to remove gambling advertisements from our screens and public spaces, detaching this predatory industry from everyday enjoyment, whether it be sport, politics, or entertainment.

“Our Bill sought to protect vulnerable individuals and families by severing the connection between gambling and ordinary, everyday activities. Labour has been at the forefront of this effort.

“With the passage of the Gambling bill in the Seanad, we have progress, but this must be the beginning, not the end. The Government needs to swiftly implement and strengthen this legislation to bring about real change. Gambling addiction is a public health crisis, and we need robust, well-resourced supports in place for those suffering.

“The truth is that the longer we delay, the more people will fall victim to the aggressive marketing tactics of the gambling industry. We cannot afford to be complacent.

“We in Labour are urging Government to waste no time in implementing the provisions of the Gambling Bill. It is time to move beyond rhetoric and deliver real change that will protect our communities from the scourge of gambling addiction.”


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