Labour Party presents new Front Bench in growing Parliamentary Party 

Ivana Bacik TD
07 February 2025
  • Labour will continue to fight for fairness, equality and the rights of working people.

Labour leader Ivana Bacik TD has today announced the party’s new Front Bench parliamentary spokespersons.

With a total of eleven TDs and two Senators elected to the Oireachtas, Bacik said that Labour will continue to campaign to build a fairer, more equal Ireland at national level in the Oireachtas.

The work of the Oireachtas members and our recently elected MEP will be complemented at local government level, through the Party’s great team of 56 Councillors.

Speaking at the Party’s Away Day in Dublin, Deputy Bacik said:

“The Labour Party is a party of deep roots and green shoots. Recent election results reflect the momentum behind our Party candidates, reflected in the make-up of our new Oireachtas team.

“As our Oireachtas representation continues to expand, we are confident that we can continue to push for radical change through offering robust opposition, and through holding the government to account.

“During the general election campaign, we consistently advocated for the State to take a more active role in providing affordable homes, rolling out a universal public childcare scheme and ensuring access to decent healthcare. We called for urgent state action in tackling the climate crisis and in guaranteeing decent rights for workers. And we put forward radical proposals to give struggling households the supports necessary in this cost of living crisis.

“Our newly expanded team of eleven TDs, two Senators, one MEP and 56 councillors are all working hard for our communities on housing, health, childcare, climate and work; so that we can build better, together.

“Our dynamic team of spokespersons are ready to hit the ground running and to work hard over the term ahead to hold this Government to account and to ensure that progress is made on meeting the needs of the families and households that we represent.

“Labour TDs and Senators will work hard, together with our Councillors, to ensure a fairer future for all our communities.”


Note to editor – the following is the lineup of newly appointed Labour Party spokespersons:

Ivana Bacik TD – Party Leader, Northern Ireland.

Ciaran Ahern TD – Climate, Environment and Energy; Transport.

Senator Nessa Cosgrove – Rural and Community Development and the Gaeltacht; Workers’ Rights.

Senator Laura Harmon – Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science; Disability.

Alan Kelly TD – Justice, Home Affairs and Migration.

Eoghan Kenny TD – Education and Youth.

George Lawlor TD – Enterprise, Tourism and Employment.

Ged Nash TD – Party Chairperson; Finance; Public Expenditure, Infrastructure, Public Service Reform and Digitalisation.

Rob O’Donoghue TD – Arts, Media, Communications, Culture and Sport; Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and the Marine.

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin MEP – Dublin Spokesperson.

Conor Sheehan TD – Deputy Whip; Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Marie Sherlock TD – Health.

Duncan Smith TD – Party Whip; Foreign Affairs and Trade; Defence.

Mark Wall TD – Social Protection; Children, Disability and Equality.

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