‘Let them eat cake’ grocery price hikes unacceptable

CSO data shows profit-margins rising in middle of cost of living crisis Proper scrutiny of groceries market needed In Leaders’ Questions today, 26th April, Labour finance and enterprise spokesperson Ged Nash TD reiterated his call on the Taoiseach to request of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) a review of grocery price hikes and…

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Delayed move on curbing gambling industry welcome

Regulator must move to end scourge of gambling ads Labour sports spokesperson Mark Wall said an overhaul of Irish gambling laws is well overdue. Welcoming Minister Browne’s decision to finally bring the gambling regulation bill to cabinet today, Senator Wall said government has dragged its heels on tackling the gambling industry, despite it impacting almost…

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Third highest levels of homelessness in a row

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said local authorities must be empowered by government to protect anyone else from falling into homelessness this winter. With homelessness up 29.5%, Senator Moynihan said it’s time for government to take radical action to deal with the housing disaster. Senator Moynihan said: “It’s a national disgrace that almost 11,000 people…

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Bacik welcomes Taoiseach’s commitment to Equality Referendum

Leader of the Labour Party and Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ivana Bacik TD has welcomed the affirmation by An Taoiseach of the Government’s commitment to hold a referendum on recommendations 1-3 of the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality to delete sexist language from the Constitution, recognise a more inclusive definition of family and…

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Lack of clarity on renters tax credit remains

Taoiseach unable to answer questions regarding licensees Raising the operation of the renters tax credit with An Taoiseach today, Labour Leader Ivana Bacik called for clarity as to who qualifies for the benefit. Deputy Bacik said people who have renting on the basis of a licence rather than a standard tenancy are none the wiser…

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People are demanding change – care workers need a pay rise

• Dáil will debate Labour motion demanding pay rise for Section 39 care workers on Wednesday Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith said rather than a grant bridging the gap for people, as proposed by the Tánaiste last week in response to questioning by Labour leader Ivana Bacik, Section 39 workers must be put on the…

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Government must act quickly to implement landmark collective bargaining recommendations

Labour spokesperson for Workers Rights, Senator Marie Sherlock has today (Wednesday 5th October) warmly welcomed the work of the High-Level Group on Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations and said the ball is now firmly in the Government’s court to implement the very clear, incisive and landmark recommendations. Senator Sherlock said: “Labour wants to see the…

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Treadmill Budget will Fail to Deliver Equality

Labour leader Ivana Bacik said today that the Budget produced by Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil is little more than a Treadmill Budget – just running to stand still. Deputy Bacik said: “Yesterday’s Budget presented the Government with an opportunity to provide a lifeline to the tens of thousands of people for whom Ireland now…

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Serious questions for Low Pay Commission says Sherlock

Admission they don’t look at profitability of sectors with most minimum wage workers Labour’s Worker’s rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has today (Wednesday, 28th September) expressed grave concerns over the Low Pay Commission’s admission about how they assess the appropriate national minimum wage. Speaking following a meeting of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise Trade and…

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Labour’s Diversity in Broadcasting Bill would ensure better representation of diverse voices

Labour arts and media spokesperson Marie Sherlock said the time has come to amplify the voices of women and people of colour on our radio stations. Launching her Diversity in Broadcasting Bill today, Senator Sherlock said making it onto a playlist can be a life changing experience for artists, however there are many great female…

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Bacik calls for positive action on gender equality

Delivering the opening address this morning at an AHCPS (Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants) seminar on women and leadership post-pandemic, Ivana Bacik TD addressed the topic of gender quotas as a way of improving women’s representation in Irish politics and across public and private sectors. Outlining the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on…

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Labour to protest decision to overturn Roe v Wade on Sunday 26th June at US Embassy

The Labour Party will protest the decision to overturn Roe v Wade at 5pm on Sunday, June 26th, at the US Embassy Ballsbridge to express solidarity with all the women and girls who will be so severely impacted by this horrific step back for women’s rights. What: Protest at US Embassy Who: Labour Leader Ivana…

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Return to fully in-person teaching disadvantages disabled students says Hoey

Labour Higher Education spokesperson, Annie Hoey, has today (Friday, 22nd April) demanded that the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Simon Harris steps up and guarantees that remote learning options become a permanent feature of our education system. The call comes following news that colleges are actively emailing students to confirm that for the next…

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Ongoing insecurity of SNA role must be reviewed

Following a seminar hosted by Labour Party, Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin and employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock have called for stronger workers’ rights for SNAs. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “In the week of teachers’ unions conferences, we in the Labour Party wanted to highlight the disparity in terms and conditions between SNAs and their…

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Outdated sexist language must be removed from the Constitution says Bacik

Labour Spokesperson on Equality and Chairperson of the Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality, Ivana Bacik has today (Thursday, 10th March) said that outdated and sexist language concerning women in the Constitution must be removed by referendum. Speaking following a meeting of the Gender Equality Committee Deputy Bacik said: “This morning, we heard from a range…

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Child First strategy needed to tackle homelessness

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has expressed deep concern at the monthly homeless report for December 2021 published today. Senator Moynihan said: “There were 1,077 families in emergency accommodation in December and while this represents a slight decrease, it is clear that more needs to be done to prevent people reaching homelessness in the first…

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More to be done for women’s participation in political life

Speaking at the National Women’s Council of Ireland’s Increasing Women’s Political Participation webinar, Labour TD and Chair of the Special Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality Ivana Bacik said that more needs to be done to progress women’s rights in Ireland and improve levels of women’s participation in electoral politics. Deputy Bacik said: “There is no…

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