Vacant properties cannot be tolerated when so many are without a home – O’Sullivan

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has welcomed news that the Government will finally be introducing measures to bring vacant homes back into use across the country. Deputy O’Sullivan commented: “I welcome that Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Eoghan Murphy, has finally woken up to the fact that there are nearly 200,000 empty…

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Moynihan concerned over low HPV vaccine uptake

Labour Party General Election candidate for Dublin South-Central, Councillor Rebecca Moynihan, has urged the parents of girls due to get the HPV vaccine this September to educate themselves on the benefits of the vaccine. It comes as the Irish Cancer Society expressed concern over a drop in the uptake of the vaccine among girls in…

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Vacant homes could help to ease housing crisis- O’Sullivan

As the deadline for public consultation on Rebuilding Ireland passes this afternoon, Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has repeated her call for the Government to consider a vacant tax on properties lying empty for long periods of time. It follows the latest Census figures showing almost eight thousand people were homeless last year, including…

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Census figures highlight need for affordable housing- O’Sullivan

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said the latest Census figures on homelessness highlight the need for a national affordable housing scheme. According to the data, nearly seven thousand people were homeless or in emergency accommodation last April, with families accounting for nearly half the total homeless population. Deputy O’Sullivan commented: “While these figures…

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Government failing people with disabilities

Labour spokesperson Joe Costello has said that the Government continues to fail people with disabilites due to the ongoing delays in ratifying the UN Convention on People with a disability despite extensive pledges by the super junior Minister Finian McGrath. Mr Costello said: “The Government has failed the thousands of Irish citizens with a disability…

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O’Sullivan welcomes moves to Close the Gender Pay Gap

Labour spokesperson on Enterprise and Innovation, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has welcomed the launch of a public consultation to tackle gender pay inequality across the public and private sectors, but says legislation will be required to ensure companies undertake wage surveys. Deputy O’Sullivan commented: “The gender pay gap has been brought sharply into the public focus…

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Disability housing plan needed within Rebuilding Ireland – Lynch

Labour Party spokesperson on Disability, Kathleen Lynch has called on the Minister for Housing to devise a specific plan for people with disabilities under Rebuilding Ireland. Ms Lynch commented: “Through media reports this morning, we have learned that at least 7,600 people with disabilities are on social housing waiting lists around the country. “Under his…

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Labour Party Calls for more supports for Breastfeeding Mothers

To mark World Breastfeeding Week 2017, Senator Kevin Humphreys has today launched a new Labour Party policy paper, ‘Supporting Mothers and Babies: A New Approach to Breastfeeding’. The paper was produced in collaboration with Labour Party members, with input from a broad range of stakeholder groups. Senator Humphreys said: “Having heard first hand from mothers…

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Government not doing enough to ease pressure of back to school costs

Labour Party Education Spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said that the results of the Barnardos’ annual schools costs survey reaffirm that the Government needs to do more to reduce school costs for parents. The survey revealed that parents are under pressure to cover daily essentials while also paying for back to school costs. Senator…

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Questions must be answered about the pay of female talent at RTÉ – Kingston

Labour spokesperson on Equality, Deirdre Kingston, has repeated Labour’s call for RTÉ to come clean on their organisational gender pay gap before they are required to do so in response to a request the Party has lodged under the Freedom of Information Act. It comes as the national broadcaster today unveiled that just three of…

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Mental health waiting lists for children still too long – Lynch

Reacting to the latest HSE figures on the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Labour Party spokesperson on Mental Health, Kathleen Lynch, has called on the Government and the HSE to take more action to reduce waiting times. Ms Lynch commented: “Today, through figures published by the HSE we have learned that 1,784 children have…

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Another empty promise from Halligan on low pay – Nash

Labour Party spokesperson on Employment and Social Protection, Senator Ged Nash has said that Independent Alliance Minister John Halligan has made another ’empty promise’ on the living wage on the national airwaves. Senator Nash said: “It is time John Halligan started to behave like a Minister and deliver on the things he tells the media…

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Action on Housing needed for Ireland to compete as post-Brexit European hub

Labour Housing and Enterprise spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said Ireland must move to alleviate the housing crisis if it is to successfully compete with other EU cities as a post-Brexit hub. It comes as the deadline for applications to host the European Medicines Agency and European Banking Authority expires at midnight tonight, with Ireland…

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Immigration Unit welcome but answers still needed

Labour spokesperson on Equality, Cllr Deirdre Kingston has welcomed the news that a designated immigration unit will be developed at Dublin Airport but said that answers are still needed on why Ms Silva-Carvalho was treated the way she was. Cllr Kingston said: “I welcome the news that the Department of Justice and OPW will start…

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Drug funding welcome but media coverage forces decision making again

Labour spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, has welcomed the announcement that nine new drugs will be made available later this year, after a row over funding was resolved between the HSE and Department of Health. However Deputy Kelly said that clarity was now needed over when these drugs will be made available to Irish…

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CSO figures reveal how Government is failing young adults

Labour spokesperson on urban regeneration, Joe Costello reacting to CSO figures today has said: “The 2016 Census figures released by the CSO today make stark reading. “They show that nearly half a million adults over 18 years of age are living with their parents. This is an increase of 4.4%. Nearly half or 215,000 were…

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CSO figures highlight lack of affordability in housing sector- O’Sullivan

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said that  today’s Census figures showing nearly half a million adults are still living with their parents, highlight the lack of affordability in the housing and rental sector. The latest figures from the CSO reveal almost 270,000 men and 190,000 women aged 18 and over remain in the…

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Independent review of response to Drogheda water emergency needed

Louth & East Meath Labour Senator Ged Nash has written to the Minister for Housing & Local Government calling for the establishment of an independent review into Irish Water’s handling of the Drogheda water supply emergency. The time-limited review should be chaired by an expert engineer from outside of Ireland and who has experience in…

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Life saving drugs still caught in funding logjam for as long as 12 months now

HSE took 10 months to refer life-saving drug Entresto  to the Department of Health Department took two months to refer it back to the HSE What is going on asks Alan Kelly? Labour Health Spokesperson Alan Kelly has called for immediate action from the Department of Health and the HSE over the nine drugs currently…

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Kelly welcomes progress on Craft Beer Bill

Labour TD Alan Kelly has welcomed a decision by Cabinet to bring forward and send to Committee stage, his legislation to allow breweries, microbreweries, cider makers and distilleries to sell their own produce to tourists and other visitors on site. Deputy Kelly first introduced Labour’s Intoxicating Liquor (Breweries and Distilleries) Bill 2016 in November 2016….

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Action needed on back to school costs

Labour Party Education Spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has stated that the results of the Irish League of Credit Union’s schools costs survey reaffirms that the Government needs to do more to reduce school costs for parents. Senator Ó Ríordáin commented: “Results show today one in four parents will have to deny their children some…

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RTÉ have four weeks to reveal Gender Pay Gap, but should come clean now- Bacik

Labour spokesperson on Communications, Senator Ivana Bacik, has called on RTÉ to come clean on their gender pay gap before they are required to do so in response to a request she has lodged under the Freedom of Information Act. The spotlight has been on the state broadcaster after the BBC revealed many of its…

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Minister must move before extortionate deposits become the norm – O’Sullivan

Responding to reports that Ireland’s biggest private landlord is asking tenants for two months’ rent as a deposit, Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called on the Minister for Housing, Eoghan Murphy, to intervene. Commenting on the reports, Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government needs to urgently check…

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People of Drogheda angry and frustrated over cack-handed response to water crisis- Nash

Louth Labour Senator Ged Nash has said that the people of Drogheda are angry and frustrated over the ‘cack-handed response’ on the ground to the major water outage in the region. Senator Nash explained: “Early last weekend, there was a general level of understanding that major engineering works, the likes of which are being carried…

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