Labour will reintroduce Housing Minister’s Cuckoo fund bill if he doesn’t act

Minister must act on his 2019 Bill that proposed to ringfence housing for first time buyers.  Housing policy must be refocused for people, not investment funds. If the Minister for Housing does not act on his 2019 Bill to block cuckoo funds from buying up housing developments, the Labour Party will reintroduce his Bill word…

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Increased funding for litter prevention welcome

Labour Senator Mark Wall has welcomed the announcement of additional funding for litter prevention and cleaning this summer. A common sense approach is needed to deal with increased rubbish, and people must be empowered to dispose of their waste easily. Senator Wall said: “The news that the Minister will devote €5 million in additional funding…

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Time to move away from state funding model that favours institutional care – amend Fair Deal

Speaking following the publication today by the Ombudsman of ‘Wasted Lives: Time for a better future for younger people in nursing homes’, which investigates the practice of housing people under the age of 65 in nursing homes, Labour Seanad Group Leader and Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Senator Ivana Bacik has called for immediate…

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Affordable Housing Bill Is Investor Led Bill

Speaking today on the publication of the so-called ‘Affordable’ Housing Bill, Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan said the Government has chosen an investor led approach to housing, rather than one which delivers for first time buyers and renters. Senator Moynihan said: “The much trumpeted Affordable Housing Bill won’t deliver the affordable housing we need….

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Labour Bill would give platform workers in the gig economy access to rights and protections

Bill would address the power imbalance between workers and app platforms. Brings our employment code up to date and stamps out bogus self-employment. Allows access to information about the algorithms that decide their pay and performance. Launching her new Bill to provide platform workers in the gig economy with better protections, Labour Employment spokesperson Marie…

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Citizens Assembly on role of Church in Education must be a priority

Many issues must be examined for the Future of Education. Dominant influence of Catholic Church and Flourish Sex Education programme must be addressed. Taoiseach didn’t give any time commitment for Programme for Government commitment this week. Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called for the Government to commit as a priority to convening…

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New National Childcare Scheme fails to recognise importance of supporting after school care for some families

Following her interaction on Friday with Minister Roderic O’Gorman about the National Childcare scheme, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock said it is clear that the Department of Children fails to recognise the importance of supporting after school care and the needs of school going children outside of school hours. She said this failure is threatening the…

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Victory for autism community as Government backs Labour’s National Autism Empowerment Strategy

Speaking after Labour’s motion calling for a National Autism Empowerment Strategy was accepted by Dáil Éireann last night, education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin thanked all members of the Dáil for their support. The Government must now act in line with the will of Dáil Éireann and publish plans to implement an Autism Advisory Council, paving…

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No child’s schooling should be a casualty of Covid-19

Worrying figures reported by the Irish Times this morning show that a huge number of children are slipping through the cracks as a result of Covid-19 school closures. Labour spokesperson on children Senator Ivana Bacik has urged the Government to heed advice from the Labour Party and implement a ‘Catch Up for Children’ scheme to…

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Minister must write to social media platforms in support of sporting organisations social media blackout

As football organisations in England boycott social media from this afternoon, Labour sports spokesperson Senator Mark Wall has urged all sporting organisations and professionals to show a united front against social media abuse. Senator Wall said: “The Labour Party stand in support with sporting organisation’s decision to do a social media blackout this weekend to…

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Fianna Fáil’s developer led mindset will never deliver affordable rents

News that the Housing Minister will allow investors to build ‘cost rental’ homes for profit is not surprising but deeply dangerous, said Labour’s housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan. In a week where Government had an opportunity to support a Labour amendment which would tie rent and the concept of ‘affordability’ to people’s incomes, the Government…

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Every tool must be used to keep Covid under control as Government relax restrictions

Antigen testing has a vital role to play in controlling virus. Must continue to monitor new variants. Transparency and clarity of communication on vaccination programme essential. Continued economic supports for workers and businesses critical. Responding to the Government announcement on restrictions this evening, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly acknowledged the huge sacrifices the public have…

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Government must deliver on Empowerment Strategy as they accept Labour Autism motion

Responding to the government’s acceptance, unamended of Labour’s motion being debated tonight in the Dáil from 6pm, calling for a National Autism Empowerment Strategy by the end of July, Labour Leader Alan Kelly said: “Labour tabled this motion to send a message to our autistic citizens and their families that they are valued, that they…

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Labour Party Autism Empowerment Motion draws powerful testimonies from community

Speaking in advance of the Labour Party motion calling for a National Autism Empowerment Strategy, Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD highlighted that he and his party colleagues have been inundated with stories from families affected by the Government’s inaction on an autism plan. Deputy Ó Ríordáin and his colleagues will be sharing many…

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Ireland must support the waiving of patents on Covid-19 vaccines

Labour TD Duncan Smith has written to the Taoiseach urging Ireland to support the TRIPSwaiver proposal currently at the WTO to waive the patent on Covid-19 vaccines. In the letter, Deputy Smith highlighted the urgent need to ensure greater equity in access to vaccines and medical equipment for countries that need it. Deputy Smith said:…

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Sherlock calls on all persons to mark Workers’ Memorial Day

Marking International Workers’ Memorial Day, Labour spokesperson for employment affairs, Senator Marie Sherlock said: “Every year on this date, we remember those who have died or have become injured or ill in the course of their employment. This year’s remembrance takes on an added significance with large numbers of workers here and across the world…

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Building strong communities goes beyond bricks and mortar

Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has said that she is concerned that the sudden decision to end the Digital Hub Development Agency in the Liberties. Senator Moynihan said: “This is a blow to the Dublin 8 community and I’m disappointed by this sudden decision. We need clarification on the community and regeneration activities of…

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Government should rename Affordable Housing Bill the Market Discount Bill

Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has said the Government continues to rely on failed market metrics for its housing policy. By voting down a Labour Party amendment to link affordable rental to income, Government show their true colours when it comes to affordable housing. Senator Moynihan said: “The whole purpose of an affordable rental…

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Bacik calls for National Autism Empowerment Strategy

Speaking today at the launch of the Labour Party motion calling for a National Autism Empowerment Strategy, Senator Ivana Bacik said: “Our Labour motion addresses a number of key issues for autistic people, adults and children. It raises in particular the need to tackle the lengthy delays experienced by many parents seeking assessments for their children….

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Government spending on autism intervention wait lists pales in comparison to spending on Big Four consultancies

Launching Labour’s motion calling for a National Autism Empowerment Strategy, Labour TD Seán Sherlock said it is time for Government to start prioritising children – starting with the horrendous wait times for the assessment of needs. While €7.8 million has been pledged to lower the HSE waiting lists for children and families, €8.7 million has…

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Labour Party call for National Autism Empowerment Strategy

The Labour Party will table a motion in the Dáil this Thursday calling for a National Autism Empowerment Strategy. In recognition that the special interests and strengths of autistic people are a vital part of our communities and society, and that we lose out when their unique insight, experience and contribution is lost, the Labour…

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More bins less blame – communities need to be properly equipped for a summer at home

Labour Senator Mark Wall has called for a common sense approach to tackle increased littering throughout the country. Local Councils must be empowered to prosecute littering and illegal dumping which will serve as a deterrent, but the public must have access to better facilities to dispose of their waste. As the country looks forward to…

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Full investigation required into the treatment of children within direct provision centres

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has said she is appalled by the findings of the report of the Children’s Ombudsman into the treatment of children within the direct provision system, and has urged the Minister to conduct a full investigation into the treatment of children within direct provision centres throughout the country. This must be the…

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Single State agency required to tackle Ireland’s literacy problem

Following news that the numbers contacting the National Adult Literacy Agency (Nala) continues to rise during the pandemic, Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD has called for the introduction of a single State agency to tackle Ireland’s literacy problem. Key to increasing literacy across adults will be improving the standards and terms of adult…

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