Building strong communities goes beyond bricks and mortar
Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has said that she is concerned that the sudden decision to end the Digital Hub Development Agency in the Liberties.
Senator Moynihan said:
“This is a blow to the Dublin 8 community and I’m disappointed by this sudden decision. We need clarification on the community and regeneration activities of the hub: the link with the schools, within the community and activities such as their eHealth projects”
“There’s a lot of community projects which link in with the operations of the Digital Hub. We need clarification on what’s going to happen today that isn’t contained within the Minister’s announcement.
“We also need to make sure that the Land Development Bill is perfected so that it delivers on social and affordable homes on the land that’s available there, but there needs to be funding for regeneration projects that’s available as part of that.
“Ireland’s housing problem can be solved but for a community like Dublin 8 we need this to happen along with social and regeneration projects. Building strong communities goes beyond bricks and mortar and I hope the Minister recognises this”