Post office network central to protecting towns and communities all over Ireland

Speaking during a meeting of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications Networks, Labour communications spokesperson Deputy Duncan Smith urged the Government to take a long term, strategic approach to the post office network. Noting the extraordinary role played by post office workers throughout the pandemic, Deputy Smith said that the post office network…

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Fast-track citizenship for frontline workers this St. Patrick’s Day

Marking St Patrick’s Day, Labour spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik has urged Government to extend a ‘céad míle fáilte’ and fast-track Irish citizenship for the many non-national frontline workers who have been the backbone of our health system throughout the past year. During the pandemic, non-EU doctors, nurses, cleaners, healthcare…

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Labour Doorstep – 2:30pm at Leinster House Plinth

Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin will be available on the Leinster House plinth at 2:30pm today, Tuesday 16th March to speak about the need to address the rise of the far right in Ireland and other issues of the day. What: Doorstep with Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Where: Leinster House plinth, Kildare St. When: 2:30pm, Tuesday…

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Labour calls on Government to publish details of abortion legislation review

As reports continue that women and pregnant people are still travelling abroad for abortion and healthcare services, Senator Annie Hoey has called on Government to publish the terms of reference of its review of the operation of the legislation. Senator Hoey also called on Government to review the inequalities in the treatment of pregnant people,…

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Almost half of women have problems accessing or affording period products

73% use period products for longer than advised 41% have missed work or school due to period 60% reported increased difficulty in accessing period products due to pandemic Research carried out by Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan has found that 46% of people have had problems accessing or affording period products. This can have huge long-term…

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We need to build a society that is reflective of the lived experience of all people

In light of the overwhelming response of women to the tragic murder of Sarah Everard, the Labour Party has reiterated it’s call for the extension of the purple flags initiative throughout all local authorities. In advance of the Citizens’ Assembly meeting on the topic of Gender Equality this weekend, Labour Leader Alan Kelly highlighted the…

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Labour welcomes Joint Labour Committee for the Early Years Sector

Labour Party Deputy Seán Sherlock welcomed the news from Minister O’Gorman’s a Joint Labour Committee for the Early Years Sector should be formed to set pay and conditions for the sector. However, Deputy Sherlock urged the Government not to drag their heels on taking action. Deputy Sherlock said: “This is great news for workers in…

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Renewed calls for Catch Up Scheme for Children

Marking the one year anniversary of Ireland’s first lockdown, Labour Seanad Group Leader and Party Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik has reiterated Labour’s call on the Government to introduce a catch-up scheme for children in Ireland.  This scheme would provide targeted funding to address the severe impacts upon children due…

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Urgent EU Summit on vaccines needed

Need to guarantee current supply is protected Must ensure contracts are honoured Plan to increase manufacturing in Europe required Labour leader Alan Kelly has called on the Government to demand an EU Summit to deal with the failure in the rollout of vaccines across the European Union. Speaking in the Dáil yesterday, Deputy Kelly said…

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Qualified Labour support for LDA Bill

Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has confirmed that Labour will support the Government’s Land Development Agency Bill at second stage, however significant red flags remain that Government will need to engage with opposition on. Senator Moynihan said: “The Labour Party has significant concerns regarding the detail of the LDA Bill and we want to…

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Urgent need to end the inequality of working from home

Workers must be protected with a right to switch off Employers should be compelled to ensure home working is carried out in a safe environment Marking one year since many workers were asked to work from home, Labour spokesperson on employment Senator Marie Sherlock has called on Government to progress her Bill to reform the…

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Labour launch survey on Leaving Cert reform

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD has launched a consultation into the Leaving Certificate process at it currently stands. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “It’s time to reform the Leaving Cert. In advance of the Oireachtas Education Committee holding hearings on reform, the Labour Party want to gather views on the future of the exams….

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Government must commit to Forum on Banking

Labour Party welcomes Financial Services Unions discussion paper on the future of banking in Ireland Minister must now commit to an inclusive Forum to scope out the future of banking in Ireland  Labour’s Finance spokesperson Ged Nash TD has said the government must commit to the establishment of a Forum on Banking to scope out…

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Labour confirms candidates for Seanad Bye-elections

The Labour Party Executive Board met on Tuesday night and confirmed the names of our candidates for the two bye-elections to Seanad Éireann. Cllr Angela Feeney from Maynooth, Co. Kildare, will contest the vacancy on the Agricultural Panel. Angela is from a farming background, and as Head of a Department in Technological University Dublin she is…

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We may be faced with full-scale public inquiry on adoptions

Time and tide waits for no man or woman and people are getting older. Speaking during the Dáil debate on Sinn Féin’s Civil Registration Bill, Labour TD and member of the Oireachtas Committee on Children, Seán Sherlock said that a full scale public inquiry may be the only way to deal with the matter of…

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HSE response to School for the Deaf concerns is absolutely shameful

Sherlock expresses huge frustration at the proposed loss of specialist on-site speech and language therapy services.   Senator Marie Sherlock has expressed her alarm at the HSE’s plan to withdraw the specialist on site speech and language service in the Holy Family school for the Deaf, Cabra. A copy of the correspondence received today is…

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Shared healthcare scheme cannot be casualty of Brexit

Speaking at the Seanad Special Select Committee on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union this week, Labour spokesperson on defence Senator Mark Wall, called for the recently agreed Northern Ireland Planned Healthcare Scheme to be put on a permanent statutory footing. The Scheme, which came into place in January of this…

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Labour calls for Pension Commission to address a range of issues

In a submission to the Commission on Pensions, Labour Social Protection spokesperson Seán Sherlock recommended the retention of the pension age at 66, action to address the gender gap and recognition of the work of carers, alongside a range of other measures that the Labour Party wants to see addressed. Deputy Sherlock said: “Many workers…

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Live Performance Sector Funds must meet the needs of artists and entertainers

Following her calls for clarity on supports for the live performance sector last week, Labour spokesperson on Arts and Culture Marie Sherlock has welcomed the announcement today of a number of bespoke funds, but called for constant review of the measures and a commitment to more support if needed. Senator Sherlock said: “Last week I…

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Ireland’s GDP figures highlights two-tier economy

Steep drop in GDP figures shows State’s overreliance on multinational sector Gap between headline GDP data and domestic economy performance continues to widen Government should support Labour’s Measuring Quality of Life Bill to address GDP shortcomings as a measurement of performance In response to economic performance data that showed Ireland experienced the steepest quarterly economic…

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Delivery of social housing too slow

Reacting to the 2020 Social Housing Statistics published by the Minister for Housing, Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has criticised the slow delivery of social housing. Senator Moynihan said: “The numbers published today are very disappointing. While everyone accepts that progress has slowed due to Covid, Government needs to realise that the crisis in…

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Digital scams targeting life savings and elderly must be tackled

Cross Department response needed to constantly evolving frauds. There must be a comprehensive government response to the increase in financial digital scams targeting life savings and elderly people said Labour Social Protection spokesperson Seán Sherlock as reports in the Irish Examiner today highlighted the increase in this fraudulent activity and lack of a structured response…

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Government must stop treating renters as second class citizens

As record numbers of workers remain out of work and with no clear path to reopening, Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has urged the Government to extend the ban on evictions and rent increases until the end of 2021. Senator Moynihan said that Government’s haphazard approach to protecting renters during the most difficult time…

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Urgent action needed on women’s political representation

Speaking in the Seanad today during Statements for International Women’s Day, Senator Bacik called for urgent action to be taken on women’s political representation. Senator Bacik said: “Today on International Women’s Day, it is very concerning to see that Ireland has slipped further down the international rankings for women’s representation in parliament. One year ago,…

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