Labour confirms candidates for Seanad Bye-elections
The Labour Party Executive Board met on Tuesday night and confirmed the names of our candidates for the two bye-elections to Seanad Éireann.
Cllr Angela Feeney from Maynooth, Co. Kildare, will contest the vacancy on the Agricultural Panel. Angela is from a farming background, and as Head of a Department in Technological University Dublin she is responsible for culinary arts programmes, which involves training the food specialists of the future, improving practices in the agri-food area by promoting ‘farm to fork’ and a more sustainable ‘green cuisine’, reducing food waste and addressing the changing trends in the food industry through engagement with partners and stakeholders. In that role she developed a new Masters in Applied Culinary Nutrition, and a new BA in Botanical Cuisine which was a partner programme with Airfield Farm Estate.
Ciarán Ahern, from Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin, will contest the vacancy on the Industrial and Commercial Panel. Ciarán is an employment lawyer, and founding director of Calcutta Connect, a charity which supports education in underprivileged communities in India, and he was the Labour Party candidate in Dublin South West at the last General Election. He is also a pro-bono legal advisor to Justice for Magdalenes Research, honorary treasurer of the Employment Law Association of Ireland and active in the Dublin Cycling Campaign.
Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said:
“I am delighted that we have two candidates of the calibre of Angela and Ciarán to contest these elections. As Leader of the Party, it is my intention that we will vigorously contest elections and stand for as many seats as possible across the country. Our membership numbers are growing quickly, and I am constantly impressed by the dynamism and talent of the people in our Party across every constituency who are eager to promote our values and seek to implement our policies.”
Cllr Angela Feeney said: “I am honoured to be the Labour Party candidate in the upcoming Seanad bye-election. In a week when we celebrate International Women’s Day, I want to encourage other women to engage in politics and I will continue to work hard to promote fairness and diversity.”
Ciarán Ahern said: “I’m excited to contest this Seanad bye-election. I will represent a generation that wants Ireland organised differently. We want stable jobs with responsible employers, a good work-life balance, and the ability to live in sustainable, safe and affordable communities.”