Serial testing regime in meat factories and in Direct Provison welcome but overdue

The announcement that serial testing will commence for food processing or meat plants with a staff of over 50 and in Direct Provision is welcome but overdue according to the Labour Representative on the Covid-19 Response Committee, Duncan Smith T.D. Deputy Smith said: “Labour have been consistently calling for testing and tracing to be ramped…

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Government must move immediately to fill Commission vacancy

Resignation of Commissioner Hogan welcome but overdue. Critical Commission post must be filled immediately by Government. Nominee must be of the highest calibre at critical time for Ireland. Responding to the resignation of Commissioner Phil Hogan this evening Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said: “I welcome the decision of Phil Hogan to resign from the…

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Government need to set out a roadmap for air travel

The Government need to set out a roadmap for air travel according to the Labour Representative on the Oireachtas Covid-19 Response Committee, Duncan Smith T.D   Deputy Smith said:   “As Labour Transport Spokesperson and as a Deputy who represents an airport constituency, I am acutely aware of the difficulties faced by airport workers. The…

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Not too late to drop school profiling from Leaving Cert grading model

On Monday, the Taoiseach was not able to clarify what changes are planned to Leaving Cert results model. On Tuesday night, the Minister for Education said the model was being refined but provided no detail. Labour wants school profiling dropped and estimated school grades also provided to students on 7th September. With less than two…

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Minister needs to address funding shortfall caused by fewer international students

The Minister for Further and Higher Education needs to address the funding shortfall that will be caused by any reduction in the number of non-EU international students coming to Ireland to study due to the Covid-19 crisis according to Labour Higher Education Spokesperson, Senator Annie Hoey. Senator Hoey said: “Non- EU International students have been…

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New Agriculture Minister needed after outbreaks at ABP plants

Essential to restore confidence to farming communities With 22 cases of Covid-19 confirmed at an ABP meat plant in Cahir, and further cases at a plant in Clones, Labour spokepserson on Agriculture and the Marine, Seán Sherlock said it was essential that the Dáil be recalled this week and a new Minister appointed. Deputy Sherlock…

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Government needs to honour commitment to establish Defence Forces Commission

The Government needs to honour the commitment within the Programme for Government to establish a Commission to examine the Defence Forces and in particular the pay and conditions within the forces according to Labour Defence Spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall. Senator Wall was speaking after it was revealed that personnel are leaving the Naval Service to…

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Payment of SUSI grants must be brought forward

Labour Further and Higher Education Spokesperson, Senator Annie Hoey has called for the payment of SUSI grants to be brought forward from October to the beginning of September.   Senator Hoey said:   “The administration of SUSI grants must happen in real time. It is not realistic for students to begin college and start to…

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Education Ministers must make themselves available for scrutiny when Dáil returns

·        Ministers must attend Education Committee ·        School Transport and absenteeism issues need to addressed The Ministers with responsibility for Education and Special Education need to address the Dáil and Seanad in relation to school reopening when the Oireachtas resumes next week according to Labour Education Spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “I…

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Model for predicted grade system needs to be published

Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Government to publish the model for the predicted grade system being used to grade this year’s Leaving Cert results. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “Leaving Cert results are due to be issued in two weeks’ time and there is still uncertainty and ambiguity around the predicted…

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Position of anti-face mask speaker on State Tribunal panels would be untenable if reported remarks are correct

Labour Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin has called on Una McGurk to clarify if the remarks attributed to her at an anti-face mask rally are hers, and if so, said the Minister for Justice should immediately act and remove Una McGurk SC from the International Protection Appeals Tribunal, and for the Mental Health Commission to also…

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Kildare needs action not sympathy

Restrictions must be reviewed if numbers continue to fall. Answers needed for parents on reopening of schools. Task force for those on frontline and working with those at risk needed. Impact of lockdown on border towns must be addressed. With the Kildare lockdown restrictions extended for another two weeks, Labour Senator Mark Wall has called…

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Taoiseach and Tánaiste must immediately contact Von Der Leyen on Commissioner

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly has called on the Taoiseach and Tánaiste to now take real action and immediately contact the President of the European Commission. Deputy Kelly said: “It is incumbent on Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Tánaiste Leo Varadkar to now inform the President of the European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen that they…

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Delayed Dáil recall not acceptable, should return this Tuesday

Labour Leader wrote on Saturday to Taoiseach asking him to recall the Dáil and to speak to the Commissioner. Our country is living though an unprecedented national crisis. Dáil must sit this week as schools prepare to reopen. Following the announcement in the middle of the night by the three leaders in government to recall…

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Only Taoiseach can recall Dáil and he must act

Only Taoiseach can recall Dáil under Standing Order 26. Deputy Kelly asked Taoiseach in call this afternoon to recall Dáil. Responding to the comments of the Taoiseach tonight, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly has reminded him that only he can recall the Dáil under Standing Order 26. Deputy Kelly said: “The Taoiseach said tonight it…

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Taoiseach must recall the Dáil

Following the resignation of Minister Dara Calleary, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly has said the Taoiseach must now recall the Dáil. New Minister must be appointed. Critical issues facing the country must be addressed by the Oireachtas. Deputy Kelly said:“The Oireachtas Golf Society Dinner should not have gone ahead and Dara Calleary has done the…

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School transport u-turn underlines need for Dáil to return

After the u-turn on secondary school transport, Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called for the Dáil to return and said clarity was needed on how additional transport will be provided in time for schools reopening despite contrary guidance issuing to schools only last Friday. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “Despite the Department of Education…

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Arts sector must not be caught up in internal Government tug o’ war

Responding to the latest Government u-turn on regulations for the Culture and Arts sector, Labour spokesperson for the Arts Marie Sherlock has said the Government mishandling in providing clarity on the latest guidelines is outrageous and further evidence of the chaos that has become the hallmark of the new government. Senator Sherlock said: “The chopping…

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Clarification needed on Garda enforcement powers

With ongoing confusion about the new Covid-19 regulations, Labour Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin has called for clarification from the Government on the status of proposed new powers for An Garda Síochána and if they intend to recall the Dáil and introduce new legislation. Deputy Howlin said: “Two days on from the Cabinet considering NPHET advice,…

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Increased Refuge Capacity needed for Domestic Violence

The dramatic increase in domestic violence calls to Women Aid highlights the need for increased capacity in refuges said Labour Senator Annie Hoey, calling for a dedicated capital investment programme to address the chronic shortfall, and a whole of government approach to address the issues highlighted in the report. Senator Hoey said: “The figures released…

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Terms and conditions for nursing home workers must be reviewed swiftly

Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said any review with a view to improving terms and conditions for those who work in nursing homes must be concluded quickly. Deputy Kelly said: “I welcome the publication of the first report of the Covid-19 Nursing Homes Expert Panel and I hope the Government…

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Estimated School grades must also be published on 7th September

process for Awarding grades for homeschooled and self-taught students also now needed With the estimated grades provided by schools before profiling not to be provided until a week after their official calculated results are published, Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said this is unacceptable and both must be provided on 7th September. Deputy…

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Government announcement creates confusion and risks losing public confidence

Responding to the new Covid-19 restrictions announced by the Government, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said clarity is needed on whether there would actually be extra powers for Gardaí creating confusion about whether legislation is needed or not, that the decision to end attendance at sporting events was wrong, that there was an inconsistency in…

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Garda review of Berkeley Road eviction not enough

-Government must also act on thuggish security groups.  Speaking after the announcement review of Garda conduct at the eviction on Berkeley Road on July 12th, Labour party Senator in Dublin Central Marie Sherlock said “the review by An Garda Síochána is   welcome but it cannot be an end in itself. This review must produce a…

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