Renters no better off in Budget 2020

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Deputy Jan O’Sullivan, has said the Government has failed to deliver a housing budget that will radically address the ongoing crisis. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The housing and homelessness crisis is one of the biggest issues this country has ever faced. “We needed to see radical proposals in this Budget to tackle…

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Budget fails Social Welfare Recipients and those on Low Incomes

Labour spokesperson on Employment Affairs and Social Protection Senator Ged Nash has blasted the Government and Fianna Fáil for failing in Budget 2020 to support those on low and fixed incomes. No increase to weekly social welfare rates No mention of the Minimum Wage in Minister speech Senator Nash said: “There has been no increase…

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Labour not supporting O’Devaney proposal

Labour Party Dublin City Councillor and chair of Dublin City Council Housing SPC, Alison Gilliland has said that Labour will not support the O’Devaney Gardens proposal at this evening’s DCC meeting. Cllr Gilliland outlined: “Having given careful consideration to the report and associated documentation the Labour Group on Dublin City Council will not be supporting…

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FG threat to delay minimum wage hike a kick in the teeth for low paid workers

Responding to reports that the planned National Minimum Wage increase to €10.10 is to be deferred to March, Labour Party Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Ged Nash, has accused Fine Gael of giving those on low incomes a gratuitous kick in the teeth ahead of Tuesday’s Budget. Senator Nash said:  “Fine Gael are hiding behind…

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Taoiseach is out of touch says Howlin

Reacting to the speech by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at the Fine Gael presidential dinner, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, said that the Taoiseach had shown himself to be out of touch with the how the failures of Fine Gael policy were affecting people’s daily lives. Deputy Howlin said: “The main thrust of Leo…

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Budget 2020 must deliver for teachers

On World Teachers’ Day, Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said Budget 2020 must deliver measures for teaching staff. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “I want to wish all Irish teachers a happy World Teachers’ Day. Teachers right across Ireland do wonderful work inspiring and caring for our young people. “It is important that…

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Full employment has not been achieved by Fine Gael

Speaking in advance of Budget 2020, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, noted that unemployment is over 6% in four regions, including over 8% in the South East, and called for more government action to foster job growth, especially outside the main urban centres. Deputy Howlin said: “While the economic crisis has passed,…

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No deal Brexit will lead to M1 traffic chaos

Speaking in reaction to the likely effect of a no deal Brexit on Dublin, the Labour Party’s Dáil by-election candidate for Dublin Fingal, Cllr Duncan Smith, spoke about the potential for gridlock on the M1. Cllr Smith said: “With less than four weeks to go until a potentially disastrous ‘no deal’ UK exit from the EU, there is…

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Rainy day fund clearly not working

Reacting to a report that Paschal Donohoe will not transfer a planned €500 million to the so-called Rainy Day Fund, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, said that the fund is clearly not working. Brendan said: “Labour was critical of the so-called Rainy Day Fund from the outset. All Fine Gael has…

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Free education and equality at heart of Labour’s costed Education proposals

Labour Party spokesperson for Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said that Labour’s Alternative Education budget will tackle back to school costs for families and support those who educate our young people. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “Year on year, the cost of sending children back to school is rising, with parents forgoing bills and cutting…

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Dublin City Council Must Act to Preserve Moore Street Market

Reports that traders in Moore Street have written to Dublin City Council stating that they are prepared to relinquish their casual trading licenses on the street are deeply disturbing said Joe Costello, Labour Councillor for the North Inner City. Costello said: “Moore Street in the heart of Dublin is famous across the world for its…

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John Maher selected as Labour’s By-Election candidate for Cork North Central

The Labour Party has selected Cllr John Maher as it’s By-Election candidate for Cork North Central. Speaking at the event in Cork last night, Cllr Maher said he would be focusing on the key issues of housing, transport, childcare and mental health. “It’s an honour to be selected as the Labour Party By Election Candidate…

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We can build an Equal Society in Budget 2020

Speaking at the launch of the Labour Party’s Alternative Budget for 2020, Finance and Public Expenditure spokesperson Joan Burton TD said: “Our economy is in much better shape now than it was ten years ago and the tax returns yesterday confirm that. But this Government is not able to manage spending properly whether it’s the…

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Labour unveils Alternative Budget transport plans

The Labour Party would cut public transport fares by ten per cent, cap Leap fares outside Dublin, and expand the City Bike scheme. These are just some of the measures unveiled in the party’s Alternative Budget 2020, today. Labour Transport spokesperson, Senator Kevin Humphreys said: “If we want an efficient, reliable public transport system for…

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Job protection should be central to Govt Brexit response

Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin T.D, has said that jobs and the economy must be protected in the event of a hard Brexit. The party launched its Alternative Budget for 2020 this week, with job protection in light of a no- deal Brexit, a central feature.  Deputy Howlin commented: “Labour agrees with the decision to…

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Budget must deliver more affordable childcare

The Labour Party recognises there is a crisis in the childcare sector and has placed increased supports for parents and workers at the heart of its Alternative Budget for 2020. Unveiling the measures today, Labour by-election candidate for Dublin Fingal, Cllr Duncan Smith commented: “Working families are being hammered by crippling childcare costs, with the…

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Labour would deliver a low carbon economy

The Labour Party has always been committed to combatting climate change, while at the same time making sure no one is left behind in the transition to a low carbon economy. Speaking as the party launches its Alternative Budget for 2020, Labour Climate Change spokesperson, Seán Sherlock TD, said: “Labour understands that we need to…

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Labour unveils ambitious plans to tackle housing crisis

The Labour Party recognises that the housing and homelessness crisis is one of the biggest issues facing this generation. In it’s Alternative Budget for 2020, the party has put forward a fully costed plan to tackle this crisis by implementing one of the biggest affordable home building projects in the history of the state, providing…

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Why is Dept of Justice treating people of Tipp with such disrespect?

Labour Party TD for Tipperary Alan Kelly has accused ministers in the Department of Justice of treating people of Tipperary and their Gardaí with disrespect. Deputy Kelly said: “Following the decision of the Garda Commissioner to relocate the Tipperary Garda Divisional Headquarters to Ennis, I put Dáil questions down for the Minister for Justice to…

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Urgent response needed from Harris to tackle Limerick Hospital crisis

Labour TDs for the Mid-West region, Jan O’Sullivan and Alan Kelly have called for urgent and emergency measures to deal with the over-crowding crisis in University Hospital Limerick. Deputy Kelly, the Labour Party Health spokesperson said: “Trolley numbers in University Hospital Limerick have hit an all-time high of 82 today. This is unacceptable, for patients,…

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Department must clarify statement on Oughterard

Labour Party TD for Tipperary, Alan Kelly TD has called on the Department of Justice to clarify their language in their statement on Oughterard. Deputy Kelly said: “The statement released by the Department of Justice on Oughterard is absolutely bizarre and the language used is completely disgraceful. “In their statement the Department of Justice say…

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People in Fingal need change from failed ideas of FG and FF

Speaking at the selection convention for Cllr Duncan Smith, running as Labour’s candidate in Dublin Fingal in the upcoming by-election, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, spoke about the need for decisive change away from the failed ideas of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil. Deputy Howlin said: “All of the political parties…

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Duncan Smith to be Labour Candidate in Fingal By-Election

The Labour Party will tonight hold its first convention for the four by-elections, selecting Councillor Duncan Smith as the candidate for Dublin Fingal. Speaking ahead of the convention, Councillor Smith said: “I am very excited to fly the Labour Party flag in the upcoming by election in Dublin Fingal. I love my town of Swords…

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Humphreys calls for more supports for breastfeeding mothers

Speaking as the HSE launches National Breastfeeding Week, Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has called for more supports for women who breastfeed. Senator Humphreys, who raised the issue in the Seanad today, commented: “While I welcome the launch of National Breastfeeding Week, it is worth noting that the HSE actually withdrew funding for the Baby-Friendly Health…

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