Brendan Ryan

Combined Clubs:
Balbriggan 10am
Coast Inn Lounge:
Skerries 12pm
Every Saturday
Except Bank Holidays
No appointment needed
My background
From 2007, I served one term in the Seanad and two terms in the Dail. I stepped away from National politics in 2020 but I remained politically active locally.
On the 12th June, 2023, I was co-opted to Fingal County Council to replace Cllr Seana O’Rodaigh who had resigned her seat. Since then, I am enjoying my favourite part of politics which is getting out and about and meeting people, listening carefully to their issues and concerns, and trying to find solutions. I have a good track record of sticking with every problem to the very end and exploring every avenue to try to find a solution.
If you have any issue that you feel I can help you with, do not hesitate to contact me.