Eilish Balfe

Why I got involved in politics
I am an early years teacher in Ratoath nd have made many notable links to the community through this.
On a national level I am an activist for Siptu supporting 'A New Deal' for the early years sector and this has thrown me into the political arena.
I want to help my local area achieve its full potential for the community.
My priorities
My main priorities for Ratoath LEA are:
- Recreational facilities for both young and old.
- A play park and open green space that can be accessed by safe roads and paths.
- A greater focus on more services within our community especially childcare, transport and health.
- Greater provisions for older people, families and children.
My background
I am a working mother of 3. I have a BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Education and Care. I have run the local community early service in Ratoath for 8 Years.
We have won various awards and have been featured in print media, featured on radio and TV for our pioneering approach to early years.
I am an activist for SIPTU for better pay and conditions for the Early Years sector and have featured on various media outlets regarding this.
Clubs and Committees
- Ratoath Community Centre, I do various community work through this
Tidy Towns,
- Ratoath Rugby Club,
- Help local nursing home with visits from our preschool,
- Community Christmas show and fair
Further details
Working mother of three.