Fiona Bonfield

Last Saturday of the month at Newport Community Centre ( 12 pm -12.30 pm and Ballina Lakeside Hotel ( 1pm- 1 30pm).All by appointment only.
Why I got involved in politics
I always loved and had an interest in making my local area better. I could see that by having a local representative sitting around a council table that it was much easier to fight your corner for a share of budgets .
Having helped out in Dail and European elections for Alan Kelly TD in 2009 onwards, I decided to put my name in the hat to contest the local elections in 2014, where I took the final seat in my area.
I contested the local elections again in 2019, where I won a seat again. Its always rewarding when you can help someone or see improvements made, but there are also some difficult days too.
My priorities
My priorities as a Labour representative for my area is to deliver for my local towns and villages. I will continue to support local organisations and clubs and I will try to ensure our communities are thriving for all.
I will support key infrastructural projects and carry on investing in our roads and footpath infrastructure.
I will encourage and support the development of more housing and support local education.
I will continue to support the development of public amenities in our towns and villages and I will ensure the environment is to the fore in decision making.
My background
As above.
Clubs and Committees
- Newport Development Association,
- Tipperary ETB,
- Tipperary Joint Policing Committee,
- Nenagh Arts Centre,
- Nenagh Childcare Committee,
- Newport Musical Society,
- Newport Community Project,
- Newport Community Text Alert Committee,
- Newport Tidy Towns Committee,
- Rearcross Food Company,
- Newport Day Centre Committee,
- Board of Management of Newport College and Newport Boys National School,
- Womens Shed Newport,
- Darkness into Light Ballina/Killaloe.