John Maher

Why I got involved in politics
I became involved in politics because I care about my community and felt that we deserved better and that I could be a positive proactive voice to represent all parts of my community.
I want to address the issues that affect us and need real solutions. Issues like housing, affordable rents, public transport, a cleaner environment and workers’ rights.
We can and must do better. Our community deserves better and I promise to do my best and represent all in Cork City.
Ar aghaidh le chéile
My priorities
My priorities are:
Housing: We need to ensure we build enough social and affordable housing within communities with local services such as schools and community centres.
Health: We need to end the two-tier system and ensure a health system that caters for all and is available when people need it.
Parks & Playgrounds: We need places where we can go to walk, exercise, play with the children or walk the dog. We must maintain and improve our existing parks and develop new spaces for all to enjoy.
Active travel: We need to build alternative ways to travel including more cycle lanes and bus corridors and improve our footpaths to allow people walk and cycle and we need regular, reliable and affordable public transport.
Supporting communities: I want to support the many great community groups and associations throughout Cork City North East Ward.
Climate: We have a massive challenge ahead as we endeavour to reduce carbon emissions to reach our climate targets. As we set out to reach these ambitious targets, we must ensure it’s done in a fair and equitable way.
My background
I went to school in St. Patrick’s B.N.S and later to Mayfield Community School, before graduating from Cork Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Business Studies (Marketing & Management) Honours Degree.
I grew up in the Glen and now live in Ballyvolane.
I have been involved in St. Patrick’s Scout Group on Summerhill North for the past twenty two years and I am currently a Scout Leader with the Group.
I am currently a Cork City Councillor for the Cork City North East Ward. I am a member of the Roads & Transportation, Community, Culture & Placemaking, Joint Policing, School Meals, Finance & Estimates & Climate Action committees.
As a community we face many opportunities and challenges and I hope we can work together to improve our area.