Laura Harmon
Spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science; Disability.
Cork South-Central, Cork City South West
More about me
Laura Harmon

Why I got involved in politics
I want Cork to be the best place to live, work, study, raise a family and do business. Politics can change people's lives for the better. Like many families, I've seen 3 of my 4 younger sisters leave Ireland because they see no future here due to the cost of housing and living. So many of my generation are locked out of housing and worried about their futures.This country needs to offer people a better future here.
My priorities
- Affordable housing and tackling dereliction
- Reliable, affordable public transport and a light rail for Cork
- Affordable public model of childcare
- Healthcare access when we need it
- Green spaces, clean air and tackling the climate crisis
- Road safety and better infrastructure
- Access to education for all ages
- Supports for people with disabilities and a society that is inclusive and supportive for people who are neurodiverse
My background
- Board member of Threshold housing organisation
- Executive Director of the Irish Council for International Students
- National Head of Mobilisation for the Together for Yes campaign in 2018
- Former president of the Union of Students in Ireland, during the marriage equality referendum
- Campaigner with a proven track record on housing, equality and access to education