Lettie McCarthy

Meetings arranged by appointment at suitable venue.
Why I got involved in politics
Living in an area that had approximately 200 acres of land zoned from Agricultural to Residential engaged my interest. I began looking at Development Plans and Planning Regulations and was shocked to see our area was loosing many recreational amenities at a time of proposed population increase.
I viewed our environment through a different lens when I became a mother and became more aware of the importance of recreational amenities, schools, parks, community centres and all that is needed to sustain new and existing communities. I set up an umbrella group representing 17 resident associations’ (SARA) for the Stepaside Area Residents Association and together we campaigned for more balanced development. We identified 8 acres of Council owned land that could be used for the benefit of the growing community.
I was shocked to receive a Councillors Newsletter stating this land was proposed to be zoned residential in the forthcoming (2004) Development Plan and that was the catalyst for me to contest my first Local Election.
Happy to say this site is now a very well used All Weather Pitch with waiting lists (Stepaside All Weather Pitch).
My priorities
Affordable housing remains a top priority and is a real challenge for our area. Without affordable housing we are discriminating against a large portion of people who wish to stay here. Housing should provide for all if we are to achieve true communities.
Proper recreational amenities, including sports, playgrounds and parks are necessary for the wellbeing of our residents.
I continue to campaign for Community Policing.
The Dublin Mountains and her foothills have always been a priority for me. I believe we must enhance accessibility and must protect this wonderful natural amenity for future generations.
I will continue to fight for the protection of trees and hedgerows and highlight the importance of wildlife corridors in the interest of biodiversity and a healthy society.
Improvements in public transport and safe cycling routes are needed for our area.
My background
Growing up in rural Roscommon ignited my love for nature and our natural environment. I successfully campaigned against the proposed rezoning of lands in Fernhill Park and Gardens. When this later went for sale by NAMA, I tabled a Council motion asking Dlr to purchase this site and it is now a much-treasured public amenity for all to enjoy.
I initiated the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Stepaside which has now become a wonderful community annual event.
Clubs and Committees
- I am a member of the Management and Editorial Board of Three Rock Panorama (voluntary, community magazine),
- Encouraged Stepaside Village businesses to come together to form a Business Association,
- Chair of St. Tiernan’s Community School Board of Management and member of Ballinteer Community School Board of Management,
- Former Board member of St. Marys NS, Lambs Cross,
- Member of Stepaside St. Patrick’s Day Parade committee,
- Set up a Local Policing Forum for the Stepaside, Sandyford Area,
- Former member of Stepaside Tidy Towns.
- Member and supporter of many sport clubs in our area