Marie Moloney

Why I got involved in politics
I have always since I left school been a community activist and enjoy helping people.
My parents were always Labour Party supporters and I got my love of politics from them and then went on to work for a local TD where I cut my teeth in politics and a means of helping people which encouraged me to become a public representative..
My priorities
My first priority will always be to help people in whatever way I can to make life better and easier for them. Many only need advice, others assistance and I do my best to be available to the public at all times.
I have a deep love of my town and community and work hard as a local Councillor to enhance it. It will always be a priority to make educated decision when it comes to voting on issues that will affect our people and community.
My background
I have spent over 30 years working in politics firstly as P.A. to our local TD and subsequently as an elected Public Representative. I have contested successfully two Local Elections and a Senate Election. I also contested a General Election but was unsuccessful on that occasion.
I am involved in many Voluntary Organizations such as:
- Chairperson of Kerry Respite Care,
- Kilcummin Defib Group,
- Killarney Musical Society.
I am also on the Board of Management of two schools, Chairperson of one, Board Member of Kerry ETB, Board Member of South Kerry Development Partnership, Kerry Youth Group, Housing SPC and a steering group for Solar Energy.
Clubs and Committees
Killarney Musical Society and Kilcummin Defibrillator Group.