Thomas Phelan

Why I got involved in politics
I got involved in politics because I wanted to help people and I wanted to have a positive impact on my locality.
My priorities
I want to play my part in bringing about a fairer, more equal and more prosperous society for everyone to have a share in.
My background
I live in Ballinroad, outside Dungarvan. I've worked in the hospitality industry locally during and after college. I've worked in the call centre industry in the internet & telecoms sector. I'm currently a Quality Consultant.
I've always had an interested in customer service, problem resolution, and process improvement. These are every bit as important in my work as a Councillor as they have been in other jobs that I've held up to now.
I firmly believe that we must always be continually improving and striving to be better.
Clubs and Committees
- Ballinroad FC,
- Ballinroad Community Group,
- Ballinroad Playground Committee,
- Dungarvan Tidy Towns,
- Waterford County Museum Society.