We need to end Gender Based Violence in Ireland

It is time to act decisively to ensure that our legal system delivers true justice and support for victims of violent crimes. This Government must act.
Read our Motion

On Wednesday July 3rd, the Labour Party will demand a review of sentencing guidelines in Ireland, as well as a range of measures to end the re-traumatisation of victims of violent crime.

Despite the great courage of so many victims and survivors in coming forward to report violent crime, the State is failing women who are victims of domestic violence in far too many ways. Over half of domestic violence refuges around the country are full, and nine counties are still without any refuge space for women and children.

Even where women have escaped from domestic violence and secured a place of refuge, many report a further experience of re-victimisation within the criminal justice system in their quest to secure justice.

Our motion will call on the Government and the Minister for Justice to initiate a review of sentencing practices, in particular the practice of suspending custodial sentences in cases of violent crime.

We are also calling for the urgent publication of clear sentencing guidelines by the Judicial Council. Without such information, it is easy to understand why so many victims of violence feel let down by a system that appears to lack consistency.

Click here to read our Motion.

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