For Today’s Ireland – Vote Yes Yes

The Labour Party is calling for a YES YES vote on the referendum on care and on the referendum on family.

The Labour Party is calling for a YES YES vote on the referendum on care and on the referendum on family.


We see these votes as steps in the right direction. We in Labour have a strong vision for a genuinely radical model of care; a welfare state that supports its citizens, from cradle to grave. The new constitutional recognition of care represents a base from which to develop that vision, just as the new definition of family can help to build protections against child poverty and homelessness.


By voting YES in the family referendum we are recognising the diversity of family life in today’s Ireland where there are 150,000 cohabiting couples and over 200,000 single parent families.


By voting YES in the care referendum we can delete outdated and sexist language about women from our Constitution and recognise that a woman’s place is where ever she wants it to be.


A strong YES YES vote sends a clear message to Government that the Irish people want to see change and this referendum should lead towards fairness for all with practical and real supports for families and care in our community.


Constitutional change is only the start. Just as we did with marriage equality in 2015 and repeal in 2018, on international women’s day this year we can take a step towards fairness for all. So that our Constitution – and our society – represents today’s Ireland.

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