Tom Johnson Summer School 2023, taking place at Wynn’s Hotel, Dublin City, on 21-23 July, is lining up to be an event of the most erudite sort, as we will welcome leading figures from a wide variety of sectors, which aims to be representative of our economy and society as a whole. When the various summer schools across the political spectrum are observed, it is clear that no youth wing of any other party has given their strongest consideration to the problems faced by those across our general population as effectively as Labour has. This is attributable to the fact that the other parties in this nation are essentially different from the Irish Labour Party. The opposing parties agree that the present social framework is the most satisfactory that can be obtained. They could simply tweak a few existing policies, if they weren’t pleased with them, as opposed to Labour, who contend that significant changes need to be implemented. Our outlook is influenced by Johnson’s ‘Democratic Programme,’ an achievement others attempt to lay claim to.
Our keynote speaker will be the one and only, Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). We are honoured that Ms Lynch has taken such an interest in our event, as we sincerely believe that she epitomises everything great that we, as a broader Labour movement, stand for. Furthermore, we will be examining the problems (and potential solutions) of those who urgently require an overhaul of our system for those with disabilities, with Adam Harris, CEO of AsIAm discussing what can be accomplished by the legislative means to overcome the challenges faced by those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Bernadette Burke, CEO of Childminding Ireland, as well as of the ICTU’s Dr Laura Bambrick, Social Policy & Legislative Officer, will also address some of the most serious problems facing us today.
There has been a great deal of talk in the media recently regarding the suggestion of Independent TDS for the creation of a new form of Farmers’ Party, an idea touted by the organised chaos that is Independent politics. However, this proposal an opportunistic suggestion made on the back of the recent election in the Netherlands, had fizzled out before it had even got off the ground. This is attributable to the fact that the real purpose of such posturing can be explained in the one major election slogan used by these individuals – ‘Independent interests’. Why utilise the angst faced by those in an increasing hard pressed sector for political headlines when we can bring the existing sub-sectors together, something which only Labour Youth has done? Among those who we will hear from are Patrick McCormack, President of the ICMSA, and the Women in Agriculture Stakeholders Group, which has many several representations before committees of the Oireachtas. Parliamentary politics cannot discharge its function in an adequate number without a common bond in the form of an active, existing political party.
The Labour Party, whose platform states that everyone in employment, as wealth creators, ought to have the protection of a living wage in their own State, has many detractors, and many are too easily swayed by the catchphrases and ‘gutter politics’ of other political groupings. As a result, the Labour Party’s influence is diminished. We therefore trust that you will find this year’s summer school to be of interest, and that you will see that the Labour Party has much on offer for you, as a member, as well as our whole national life.
You can view the full programme and schedule for Tom Johnson 2023 here.